Meet the Family

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It's been a week since Josh asked me to be his girlfriend, and I thought it was the right time to officially introduce him to the family. They all knew him, but I thought it would be good to you know, go through all that 'have dinner with the family while they embarrass you by showing him your baby pictures' routine.

"Josh?" I called him as he was playing Call of Duty with my brother, AGAIN. I can't complain because he comes over from his friend's house everyday, but was he dating me or Francisco?

Neither of them heard me because they had their headsets on. I walked to Francisco's room and grabbed the noisemaker thingy that they use at soccer games.

"This should get their attention." I was walking down the stairs, ready to make some noise, but they weren't in the living room anymore. "What the hell?" How could they disappear so fast? They're like ninjas or something.

"Emily!" I turned to find Josh and Francisco running down the stairs with Michael Myers masks on. Wow, they're dumb.

I stood there, waiting for them to come down, but they kinda slipped and rolled down the rest of the way.

They both screamed as if they were about to die. "Amateurs." I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Wait, can you help me up babe?" Josh held out his hand for me to help me up, and I couldn't resist the puppy-dog face he had on. I grabbed his hand, trying to pull him up, but he pulled me to the floor to join him and Francisco. "That's what you get for calling us amateurs."

Francisco got up by himself. It was a shock considering he's a lazy bum. "I'm gunna get a soda."

"Whatever, douchebag." I turned to look at Josh, who was already looking at me. "What are you looking at, weirdo?" I laughed at sat up.

"The most beautiful person in the world." Awww, he's just the sweetest!

"Awww, babe!"

"What? I'm talking about that guy." He pointed to a mirror that was behind me as he was getting up.

He's been hanging out with Zayn too much.

"You know I hate you right?" I grabbed his hand and got up off the floor.

"No you don't." He laughed and had a smirk on his face.

"How do you know that, Devine?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Cause I'm the only one that can do this." He ran to me and smashed his lips onto mine. Damn, it was steamy again.

He separated his lips from mine when he heard Francisco walk into the living room. "Yo J, you playin'?"


They're on the nickname stage. Awww...

"Yeah right now!" He turned to me. "So, you still hate me?"

"N-N-No." Shit. Josh feels.

"I knew it." He smirked and left to the living room.

I looked at the clock in front of me. It was 2 and my parents were coming back with my brothers and sister at 5 to have dinner. "Lay off the video games and get ready Devine!"

"Yeah, okay, whatever." I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room. Josh noticed me. "You know I wouldn't let you down, Em." I smiled and walked up to my room.

This dinner better go good...


The night was actually going great! Everybody seemed to like Josh, and it made me happy to see that they were accepting him.

Josh Devine, The One I Call MineWhere stories live. Discover now