chpt 3.

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Annie's pov;

Tyler didn't show up at School for the rest of the week.

I've been staring at the window for a few days, anticipating his return for majority of my classes. It wasn't healthy at all, it will probably bite me in the butt later on when finals arrive - but my main priority was making sure I saw Tyler if he came back to school.

It wasn't like I was obsessed with him or anything, I was just really worried.

Was he giving up on his dreams because of Kyle's passing? Is he going to flunk in school and not graduate this year? 

He was such a talented baseball player, it'll be so disappointing if he gave up on it and resorted to cleaning up a fast-food restaurant's floors instead.

That was a contrast in careers I did NOT want to see happen for Tyler.

It's so hard to know what he's thinking, he's been contactless for the past 3 months and no-one's seen him except for his family. It just makes me more agitated and curious at the same time.

It was now Wednesday, which meant that I had a free period right after Lunch.

I normally would've visited the Library and studied a bit or wandered outside and take some pictures of the scenery, but I decided against it and went to visit my mom's friend Mario's diner near the school.

I also mustered the courage to order a lemon-pie from there, to bring to the Townsend's house as a late sorry-for-your-loss present.

It was also an excuse to see and ask Maddie how Tyler was doing. I needed to help him get through this or he will end up falling to the deep end with no way to come back up to the surface.

Once I placed my order, I greeted the kitchen staff and waited outside - desperate for some fresh air.

I was playing around with my camera lens as I heard footsteps come closer and closer.

I thought nothing of it, it was probably just another customer coming over to the diner. The lunch hour was quite hectic for Mario, I was actually surprised that he was able to take a dozen of orders at one take.

"Annie?" Someone called out, stopping infront of me.

I froze, recognising that voice immediately. My breath was hitched in my throat and I couldn't move at all. My heart was beating really fast, I thought it would've actually jumped out of my chest.

I slowly looked up to see those familiar hazel eyes. Man, I could stare into them for ages. 

But I couldn't.

Because as my eyes inspected the rest of his appearance, I felt weak. 

He looked horrible and distraught.

His normal clear, peach skin was now pale - and spotty, with acne everywhere. There were visible eyebags under his tired brown-and-grey eyes, and he had grown a month-old stubble. 

He looked so different from my Tyler post-Kyle's-death. He looked like a ghost going through late puberty.

I was too indulged in my thoughts that I didn't even give him a response. I snapped out of my reverie and said,"Tyler..." 

I reached out to hold his hand as if it was an instant reflex, I always do that if someone needed comforting.

Tyler gave me a saddened smile, squeezing my hand whilst closing his eyes.

"Hey," He started.

"Hi." I replied, staring at our intertwined hands.

"It's nice to see you." He sighed, letting go of my hand.

"Are you oka-" 

"Can I crash at yours for a bit? My mom thinks I'm at school right now..." Tyler whispered out, interrupting me and dropping his head as he did so.

"Err... sure, I guess." I responded, frowning. 

"Thanks a bunch," He smiled, starting to walk away.

This was not how I imagined our first conversation to go like.

"Wait!" I called out, jogging up to him.

"Mm?" He hummed out, stuffing his hand in his pocket.

"Do you wanna.. stay and have some lemon pie?" I questioned, gesturing to the diner behind me.

As if on cue, I heard a loud rumble of his tummy - it was a very abnormal sound, it was like he hasn't eaten in ages.

He looked at his stomach, then at me for a bit - it was like he was having a mental debate with himself.

"I'm good." He answered hastily, backing away quickly.

"Oh. Okay then." I muttered, turning around and making my way to the diner's entrance.

I turned my head one more time, to only catch a glimpse of him staring back at me with a defeated expression.



third person's pov:

Tyler cursed really loudly as he saw Annie close the diner door behind her.

He really wanted to confide in her, it would've felt like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders.

But he couldn't. He mustn't. 

Because if he started talking about it out loud to someone, it would make the situation very much real.

And that's not what he wanted. He wanted to continue thinking that this is a horrible nightmare and wasn't reality. 

He wanted to think that Kyle will be waking him up for Senior Year soon because he overslept, or he'd be stuffing his face in mom's pancakes whilst earning a giggle from Katie.

He just hoped he'd wake up soon, because he doesn't know how long he can take without his bright and charismatic presence at home.

It's like the life has been sucked out of the house once he was gone, something that was once bright was now grey. The impact that Kyle had was enormous.

Kyle kept Tyler sane and smart. It's going to be so hard to keep his emotions in-check now that he doesn't have Kyle.

But he has Gabe, his best-mate - who's been calling him and coming over nonstop ever since the accident. He needs to reach out to him as soon as possible. 

But Gabe doesn't fill in the Kyle-shaped hole in his heart, he needed the blood-brother he grew up with. The brother that was crazy about acting and did amazing in "a Midsummer's Night Dream". The brother that did better at academics than him.

The brother that loved him regardless of his horrible decisions.

His mind drifted back to Annie, who was there with him the day Kyle passed and beyond that.

The thought of Annie sent his mind into overdrive, he didn't want to burden her with his problems.

He had a hard time disagreeing to her lemon-pie offer, it seemed so appealing and all he wanted to do was catch-up and spend time with her. 

It was clear that she felt something for him, he could see it in her eyes - he's looked at her the same way too.

But he didn't deserve her. Not what after he did to Kyle.

He needed to stay away from her, that's the only solution.

A/N - I updated 2 days after chapter 2!! ;) Yeeeeyyyy!!!

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 3 though! 

I'm going to be very busy with school this week so I hope this makes up for my future-absence.

Please let me know if there are some mistakes!

Make sure to vote and comment for more content, I'll try and get Chapter 4 to you all ASAP! :)

Love you all x

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