chpt. 5

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Annie's pov;

I shot up from my bed, squinting my eyes as I took in the morning light from my windows. 

How did I end up here? Didn't I fall asleep on the couch?

I rolled my eyes in response. 

Yesterday was too good to be true, it was probably a dream.

A very surreal one.

Shrugging my questions away, I sat up and stretched for a few seconds; getting my muscles ready for the day ahead.
After doing that, I turned my phone on to check the time.

Ah, 9 AM.

Wait. 9 AM?!?!

"I'm LATE!" I squealed, jumping out of my bed in panic and sprinting to my wardrobe.

I'm NEVER late, how did I let myself oversleep like that? Was it because of that dream?!

Screw you and your amazing self, Tyler Townsend.

His very name made the ends of my lips curl upwards, the dream was amazing. I could still remember how amazing he smelt and how flushed I was when he put his arms around me and how we fell asleep in each other's arms - just like the movies.

As I combed my hair rapidly, I took a glance at my bedside table.

Weird, there's a piece of paper there.

I walked over to it, using one hand (the one with the comb) to pat down the strands sticking out and the other to pick up the mysterious letter. I didn't remember leaving anything there yesterday.

My eyes widened as I read the note.

'Thank you, Annie.' was what the note entailed.

No, it couldn't be...

This was definitely from Tyler Townsend. His scruffy handwriting made it obvious, I could recognize it from a mile away.

I dropped my comb in shock, lips parting in surprise.

Yesterday wasn't a dream?! I really snuggled with Tyler himself?!

Oh... my... GOD!!



I was still a daze as I scurried to my highschool's entrance.

Then it all came back to me, harder than a Level 5 Tornado hitting Florida. 

The pie. The meeting at the diner. Him asking if he could hang at my house instead of going to school. Me going over to Maddie's house during my free period to deliver the pie. Going to my house and then seeing Tyler SHIRTLESS, sleeping. Embarrassing myself and running away to the living room. Watching Gossip girl. Him joining me while he's still SHIRTLESS. Him putting his arm around me. Us joking around and possibly... flirting (?) and then us falling asleep on each other.

I couldn't believe it. It was all too good to be true.

I assumed he'd shut me out and stop talking to me completely, as Kyle probably was the real reason we still kept in contact for all these years, us being in different social circles and all.

And with him gone... 

There was no real reason for keeping me around.

But he did, which means I could actually be able to help him...

This boy is always full of surprises, it's making me admire him even more.

I smiled to myself as I made it to the main office, signing in before hurrying to my Biology class.

I was 30 minutes late to that class. I felt really bad because I really liked Biology and I want to do well in it. Why couldn't I have just missed Astronomy or something?!

Nonetheless, my social anxiety was starting to kick in as I gripped onto my camera tightly. I hated being the centre of attention, and me disrupting the lesson halfway because I was late is not going to help at all.

The last time this happened was in middle school, and that didn't end up well as I was shaking like crazy at the time.

As I neared my Biology classroom, I kept trying to keep my breathing under control. The only way I'm going to embarrass myself is by looking like a total freak whilst going into the classroom.

Inhale, exhale.

Inhale, exhale.

It was unfair really. If someone well-liked and popular entered the classroom late, no-one would think much to it. But if a lonely quiet girl, like me, enters the classroom late...

Let's just say I wouldn't be feeling the teensiest bit welcomed.

But anyways, here we go...

I turned the doorknob and started walking into the classroom hesitantly, looking at my feet as I did so.

I was SO ready to face my fears and stare everyone (who dared to look and judge me) down, but that never happened.

Why, you ask?

It was because the class was doing a frickin experiment.

"Ah, Annie! Nice of you to join us." Mr Chambers beamed, holding his hand out - waiting for a note.

I handed him my late slip and started walking up to Simon, who was at the end of the classroom, ignoring the looks some people gave me as I did so.

Phew. That wasn't that bad.

The classroom was full of eager chattering as many people started dissecting frogs.

Ew. You'd think people would be running away from the frogs, not to it...

"Oh hey Annie!" Simon smiled as he handed me some gloves and goggles.

I replied back with a 'hi' and a 'thank you' - grateful that I didn't have to walk back to the other side of my classroom to retrieve those items.

"Ew..." I grimaced as Simon started picking at the dead frog with his tiny, metal cutting knife. The smell coming from the passed animal was horrid - I wanted to get away from it as soon as possible.

But I couldn't, because our performance would be apart of our overall grade.

"I know right! Such a disgusting and slimy amphibian." Simon shuddered, finally cutting into it.

I look away from the horrible sight, taking in the sight of my classmates instead.

Everyone was either talking amongst themselves or doing the experiment.

But one person managed to catch me eye.

Tyler? He was in my class this year?

As if he sensed my eyes on him, he stopped talking to Gabe and looked at me instead.

I instandly flushed under his gaze, but he kept an emotionless expression and turned away abruptly.

Ouch, I wonder what that was for.

"Annie, pay attention to the experiment please." Instructed Mr Chambers as he eyed my suspiciously.

I immediately obeyed and turned back to Simon, who already cut out 4 pieces of the creature.

I turned my head down, not wanting to see the organs inside of it.

As I kept my head down, my mind was spiralling with questions - Why did he do that? Did yesterday not happen? Did it not mean anything to him?

And at that moment I knew, I just knew that helping him was going to be much harder from what I thought this morning.


A/N - Oh no!!! Tyler's starting to put up his walls! ://


I apologise for delivering this chapter a bit late, I'm trying to get as much revision done for my mock exams during this half term - it's kind of hectic.

Until next time!

Love you all x

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