Stars and Warriors

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A/N: Sorry for the late update!! Here's the next part. If you're still reading then thank you! I hope that my story can help. All my love, -Zoie

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". I have seen this quote many times before but I had not understood it until losing Aydin. All throughout my friendship with Aydin, he had tried to help me understand that I matter. I would constantly let what other people thought about me, control how I lived my life. He would always tell me, I only felt insecure and jealous because I gave people the power to make me feel inferior. This meant, to feel of lower quality, ranking, or to feel less than everyone else.

I never understood what Aydin meant. I never understood what this quote meant. But now, after everything I finally understand. I would always think that I wasn't good enough and that I messed up everything and that it was always my fault. I never realized, I only felt this way because I gave people the power to make me feel this way. Thus saying, nobody can make you feel like less unless you consent or give them the power over you to do so.

Being a "star" and a "warrior" go hand in hand. In my eyes, everyone is a star and everyone is a warrior. You are the author of your own story. Imagine your life is like a movie. You are the star of this movie, the hero, the warrior. You are the one who will write your own story. You control your life and the choices you make.

    Aydin made me realize this. He always had his moments where he would be down on himself and not care about anything. But then he also had his moments where he was constantly at you making sure that you were okay. My friendship with him made me realize that I can feel my emotions, and be myself, and not care what others thought. All the while still having true friends who really and truly did care.
Without him, I would still be in my own head. Constantly judging myself and questioning whether or not I was good enough. I have always been insecure about my personality and looks. Ever since I was in elementary. I had never had everything that all my friends had. Even to this day, I still don't have everything they have. While yes, it does make me feel left out but I also have a different perspective on things. I've learned to be more observant and to understand more about face-to-face interactions.

It is thanks to Aydin, that I now realize that we are all stars and we are all warriors. We are the stars of our lives and warriors in our own battles.

THE MEMORY OF YOU...US...MY 8TH GRADE YEAR  Where stories live. Discover now