Chapter 11

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After breakfast I checked my schedule and realized I had 5 classes with Ron, Harry, and Hermione. We walked to our class and went inside 20 minutes earlier than everyone (much to Hermione's delight). I took a seat next to Hermione and Ron and Harry sat in the table in front of us. I was talking to Hermione and telling her more about the wizarding world when I heard someone sit down behind us. I turned around and there was Malfoy.

"Really Malfoy? There are over 10 empty desks in this classroom. Go away." I scoffed.

"Mmm No." Malfoy snickered.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

Just then a teacher with a great big cloak walked in. He seemed intimidating.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion making." The teacher said sternly.

I wandered off into my own thoughts while the teacher was speaking. I was bored already. "I wonder which house I will have to stay in first. I might make a lot of friends then considering I will be in every house. Which house will I permanently be in then? Isn't Harry supposed to save Hogwarts, not me?" I thought to myself. "Its so quiet in here. Why is it so quiet?" I looked up and saw everyone staring at Harry.

"I don't know sir." Harry said.

I looked at Hermione confused. "What's going on? I wasn't listening?"

"Shh. Snape's asking Harry questions." She whispered.

"Where, Mr. Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a Bezoar." Snape stared intently at Harry.

Hermione's hand shot up.

"I don't know sir." Harry repeated.

"And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"I don't know."

"Pity. Clearly fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter?" I heard Draco snicker.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Surely everyone knew Harry was raised by muggles.

I stood up. "Excuse me Professor, I don't understand how you could expect Harry to know those things. I don't believe you are idiotic enough to think that Harry was raised by wizards. He didn't even know Hogwarts existed until his birthday! And it's absurd that you targeted Harry. It was obvious he didn't know these." I glared at Snape.

"Excuse me Ms...." Snape paused.

"Sparks. Aphrodite Sparks." I didn't break eye contact from Snape.

"Ms. Sparks.. Did I call on you?" Snape said.


"Did you raise your hand?"


"Did you speak out of turn?"

"Yes." I stated.

"10 points will be taken from your house when they decide which house you will be in. Now sit. Down." He said sternly.

I sat back down.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you to control your temper." I heard Malfoy whisper.

I turned around. "I can control my temper when I want to. Annoy me one more though and I can't guarantee I can control what my fists hit." I said angrily.

Soon enough potions was over. I was walking out of class when someone pulled me by the arm.

I turned around and saw Cedric.

"God! Can you stop doing that!" I yelled.

He looked stunned. "S-sorry.. Is everything alright with you? You seem more irritated than usual."

"Im sorry." I sighed "Its that damn Malfoy. He makes me want to just rip out his vocal cords and stuff them up his-"

"Okayyy.. Aaanyways.." Cedric cut me off. "What do you reckon is going to happen.. With.. you know, the house thing?"

"Uh I have to like spend a specific amount of time in one house and then just switch I guess." I looked around. "I should probably talk to Dumbledore about it soon.."

Cedric nodded. "I have to get to my next class, but ill see you around soon okay Aph"

"Of course." I smiled.

I walked to my next class which was Flight class. I walked outside and saw a bunch of broomsticks lying on the ground.

"This will be fun." I thought to myself.

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