Chapter Two A night of tears And nightmares

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Keigo pov:

When she told me her name was shannon which I thought was the most beautiful name that matched her,I told her she could use the bathroom and that I would leave some clothes out for her.While she was showering I was making breakfast I couldn't stop thinking about what she had told me,I mean it had me angry on how someone was just going to auctions her off like her was a pieces of meat.And top it all off she can use magic which was amazing to see I have to say as put the scrambled eggs on to a planted just as the toasted popped up from the toaster.once that was done I started cooking the bacon and it was then I decided that I would take her clothes shopping so she had her own things the bacon was done then I pored the freshly made coffee in the two mugs on the table in the dining room.Of course as shannon came out of the bathroom wearing what I had laid out for her my face was bet red this being I could tell she need a bra her chest was no keigo I told myself she been through hell and who know what else.When she sat down at the table I told that we would shopping to get her some clothes many other things she would need after I had taken my shower and changed my clothes.Once we had done eating I washed the dishes then put them away then I went to the bathroom were I took a quick shower and changed once I was dressed we head out to the mall.When got the mall we head to clothes store were she picked out a dress and few pants as well as few tops also she must have gotten pjs too as she was looking for a few bras and panites.It was then a girl at the counter said we made cute couple which had me blushing also I was hoping that shannon hadn't heard her say that once we were done I three bags on each of my arms.Once we were done we had lunch at one of my fav places that was well known for it fried chicken and I could tell that she like fried chicken as much as I did when were done eating we both head back to my apartment.Also the sun was still up and I knew that I would I have to go out on patrol tonight which I wasn't sure if I should go knowing that whoever these guys were working for could come after her.

When they made it back to his apartment shannon went into his bedroom to change into her new clothes which was the new dress she had picked out that was a midnight blue color.Once she had change and came out of the bedroom kiego was both breathless as well as speechless because the dress just made her look amazing that he couldn't find any words to describe it.They sat on the couch and watch tv together for some reason shannon like sitting on the couch with him it was just so calming to be sitting near someone who had amazing energy.They order dinner which was chicken teriyaki with fried rices as they were eating he got to learn little about shannon like her fav color was midnight blue and that her fav flower was black rose as well as loving using her magic.And shannon learned a little about keigo like love fried chicken as well as many other things once they had finished eating keigo told shannon that he would be going on his nightly patrol.Also that he would be back later that night so she shouldn't worry and she knew not to open the door she was to scared to even to that unless it was keigo the person she started to like.

Shannon pov:

When me and keigo went to the mall to do some shopping as we were in the clothing store I had picked out a few things like a dress as well as a few pants and a few tops along with a few nightgowns.As I was looking at the bra's I sure that I heard the lady who was at the counter said we made a cute couple which had little pink blush across my faces.And I think kiego was hoping that I didn't hear her which I hear her and I wanted to tell her we were just roommates but I stopped myself because I had this feeling what she said was kind of ture.In the end keigo was carrying three bags each in his arms I was sure how to take all of this as we went to one keigo fav place for lunch it was well known for it fried chicken which I was hungry.As we were walking back to his apartment I knew that he would have to go out do to his hero work which kind of scared me but keigo had given me a cell phone.Which had his phone number to both his hero agency as well as his own phone number this made me feel a little better to know this also I wanted to look for work as way to pay him back for what had done.Once we were home I chanced in his bedroom into the midnight blue dress I had picked out when I was done and walked out I could tell he was both breathless,speechless which made me blush a little.We both sat on the couch watching tv it was nice to be near someone who wasn't going to hurt me or make me use my magic also we order dinner which was chicken teriyaki.It was as we were eating we learned little more about each other it was funny to learned about him as for me well it felt weird telling him what liked doing and more.As keigo told me that he was going out to do his patrol that night and that he should be back later tonight also I wasn't to open the door for any of course I knew that he never used his door.

When kiego was in his bedroom changing into his hero costume once he was done and came out of his room he saw shannon was still on the couch watching it and then he said I'm leaving for my patrols now you what to do.And with that said he went to his balcony were he stretched out his red wing then flew off into the night meanwhile shannon has showered and was in one of her new nightgowns it was pink one that silk ribbon on it.Seen she was alone she decided to make something for keigo when he came back home which was rices balls with fried chicken pieces inside so she went strand to work.This didn't take long for her to do seen she knew who to cook and once she was done she cleaned up the kitchen and left the rices ball with fried chicken pisces on the table.Meanwhile hawk was on his nightly patrol and it was somewhat quite there were few villains here and there but it was now quite so he decided to go the jewelry store.That he knew really well this being he had stopped a low level villain from rubbing the places so they told him that if he ever came in he could picking any out he liked.But he ever came in do just that as he made his way into the store a lady at the counter said welcome how may I help you then hawk said can you show me your necklaces.And she said yes right away sir as she walked over to one of the case that showed the most beautiful necklaces that they had made and one was a midnight blue crescent moon that had silver chain.Once she brought a tray over onto the counter hawks looked over them and he found one that remind him of shannon eyes when they would glow as she did her magic.He told the lady this one's will be perfected for who I have in mind with that he brought the midnight blue crescent moon necklaces that had silver chain.With that the lady at the counter put the necklaces in a beautiful boxes that was then put into a bag and once hawks paid for it he was off back to his apartment once again seen he was done with his nightly patrol.Meanwhile shannon was in bed she was having a really bad nightmare that had her in tears also her magic was tied to her emotions to her magic and the room was covered in ice as well as plants.As hawks was flying back to his apartment to see his dove but as he made his way back he got this bad feeling that was time that shannon in trouble however he wasn't sure what it was so he flew faster to get home.

hawks/kiego pov:

As I was doing my nightly patrol things were somewhat quite there were a few low level villain here and there but that was all it went back to being quite so I decided to go to a jewelry store that I knew wasn't to far from where I was at.Also I had stopped a low level villain from rubbing the places the owner said I could by and have pick of anything in the store which I've never done.That was a while ago and as walking to the store which was still open as I walked in through the door a lady at the counter welcomed me and said how can she help me then I said could you show me your necklaces.Once she brought me a tray of necklaces that were pretty at first nun of them were standing out until I saw one that was a midnight blue crescent moon necklace with a silver chain.It that moment I knew it was the one this being because the midnight blue stone remind me of shannon when her eye and hair would glow as she used her magic it was then I told the lady who at the counter this one it perfected.With that she put it into a boxes for then a bag after I paid for it once I left the store and back in the air I had this really bad feeling like shannon was in danger or something was upsetting her really badly.So I flew faster back to my apartment and when I made it back to my apartment the balcony was covered in plants as well as ice I as went open the sliding door.To my balcony which wouldn't have been possible but it was and I could tell that her magic must be connected to her emotion and as I made it my bedroom it was then I felt like I was being shown something.But I wasn't sure what it was all about,all I care about was getting to her as I made it the bed I pulled her close to me as I covered her with my wings then I said it ok I'm here now.And with that the ice vanished the plants went back to the way there before also as I got changed into my pj's I could tell that the floor isn't even wet from the ice that it was once covered in.Also I put the bag away I would give it to her in the morning as I went into the kitchen for something to drink I saw a planted rice ball with pieces of fried chicken.I guess she made me something it was really sweet of her to do in the back of my mind,I said she knows how to cook,I wonder what else she knows what to make.As I thinking this while eating one the rices ball with fried chicken inside it and it was really good no more than that it was just amazing when I came back to my bedroom I see tears in her eyes.I gently wiped them away as I got into bed I pulled her close to me once again which calmed her down more which I was glad I could for as sleep took me.

The phoenix fly's into the night sky written by Midnight blackroseWhere stories live. Discover now