Chapter Three Love begin to grow

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The next morning keigo woke up first to see shannon was fast asleep still and he could tell that she was calmer now which was a lot better from last night.Also this was hawks aka keigo day off he went of have to go on his night patrol so he was happy that he could stay house and have fun with his dove shannon.As he got up from the bed he decided to make breakfast seen he knew that she would be up soon so once he was up and in the kitchen.And when shannon did wake up feeling a lot better than from late night she was having really bad nightmare where she had remember how she was taken away from what she once called home.She was soon snapped out of her thoughts when she hear keigo said breakfast is ready so went to out to the dining room where breakfast was waiting as they were eating keigo knew he should ask this.But he knew that he had to at some point which did she remember anything at all from her passed when he did asked this all she could say was that she remember that was taken.By the same guys who had been after her a few night along and she was take so that she was to stay with someone until she was to be auctioned off at the black dragon auctions house.As she said this to him tears were pricking her face and keigo was upset with himself that he got up then put his arms around her which calmed her down he did this because he could see how her magic was connected her emotions.Once she felt better he told her that he would keep her safe and that these guys wouldn't lay a hand on her of course in the back his mind he wanted to know about this black dragon auctions house.So he decide to call one of his friends at his agency if they had heard anything about people had disappeared without a traces or something.

Shannon pov:

When I was trying to sleep last night it was bad I was having a really bad nightmare in which I was right back in a dark room where I had been for who knows how long.And it would have been worse if not for a feeling of being save it was at that moment I knew it was keigo,he must have come home because I could feel his arms and wings wrapped around me.I think I being to fall for him as he made sure I was save and those guys can't get to me the next morning I heard keigo said breakfast was ready.As we were eating keigo asked me,if I remember anything from my passed at the time I wasn't sure how to answer his question until I said all could say was the guys who were after from a few night ago.They took me way from where I live and somewhere I would stay until I was ready to be sent to the black dragon auctions house where the highest bidder would buy me.Once I had finished what I could remember tears were pricking my face I felt like crying until a pear of strong arms wrapped around it was keigo even his wings did the same thing it felt so right also he said he wouldn't let those guy lay a hand on me.And at that moment I felt like my feeling were only growing stronger than ever before I wanted to tell him how I felt but I knew that this wouldn't be the right time because I wanted to get to know keigo more before telling.

When shannon was out looking for work,she had keigo ask if she would be ok finding a part time job at first he wasn't sure but he knew that she could handle herself if anyone tried to hurt her.Keigo friend from his agency who was another pro hero well a young one his name was izuku midoriya aka duke to come over with what he had found about any missing persons cases.That were weird to ever know one could find them at all when keigo heard a knock at the door he knew it was midoriya once izuku was inside the apartment he told keigo everything on how the police had no idea what was going on.This being the people that had gone missing where thought they had no quirk until he found a case file that said a woman was arrested for sale a baby the case went cold after they couldn't find anything else.Meanwhile shannon had found a part time job it was at a bookstore the good thing was that it wasn't to far from keigo apartment and the owner was nice a enough to let her started first thing tomorrow.Back at keigo's apartment he couldn't believe what midoriya had found the bad thing was the police still have no idea who's behind all this and keigo was even more angry because the baby that sold was shannon.But the case file say the women wasn't the mother and she wasn't talking to anyone and has been in jail for along time with no one coming to talk to her at all.It was then that keigo broke the award quite it was then he said whoever is behind this will never lay a hand on her of course midoriya said he would be glad to help in away he could if anything happened and keigo knew that midoriya was good friend.Meanwhile somewhere well hidden from the pro hero was a huge mansion there lived the man who was called the shadow king he was not happy that area stone as he called those with area magic.He going to the black dragon auction house this being he had heard they had a new area being of magic and he was going to bides on stone however he had heard what had happened.At the black dragon auction house and told the auction owner that he wished to see a picture of what was going to be auctions off that night and he had an evil grin.As he said I'll take her so he paid the black dragon auction house owner a lot more than what they had planned on starting the auctions off.With her then the old man said we will get her back I'm sure one of my men can find her in no time.He went on to say so that she can be auctioned off to you in another one we can hold in few night from now and the shadow king said I think I can do one better just to make sure everything goes as planned I will get what I wanted after all I know about this lovely lady than she does herself.

Keigo pov:

When shannon had left the apartment to look for a part time job which she asked me if she could at first I wasn't sure because who know if those guys could be but I remember that she can use her magic to fight back.If she need to do so also I had good friend who work at my agency his name was izuku midoriya his hero name was deku he was coming over to my apartment with what he had found on missing persons cases.When I heard knock at my door I knew that it was midoriya as I opened it to see midoriya with a case file in his hand once he was inside he told me what he found the bad thing was the police had no idea who was behind all this.And all this angry me because there was still no way to tell who was after shannon.But what midoriya told was he that he was able to find a cases file that said a woman was arrested after she sold a baby and the file went on to say that the women wasn't even the baby's mother.The file said more which was the women wasn't talking at all she has been in jail for along time and with on one comes to talk to her at all.It was then I broke the awarded quite by telling whoever is behind this will never lay a hand on her of course midoriya said that he would do anything do help me in any way he could if anything should happen.He was a good friend to have so he was about to leave when shannon came back that when I introduce shannon to midoriya who would know more about her magic and what she could do.

That night midoriya stay for dinner which shannon wanted to make seen they had a guest over tonight and she made chicken in bumbling with strawberry cheesecake for dessert of course both kiego and midoriya were blown away at how good everything looked as well as tasted.As they were eating midoriya learned a lot about shannon like he found out that she could use all four elements for nature and this had midoriya in wow he couldn't believe that someone like her could do this.And keigo was glad that shannon was making friends also he felt a little jealous that she was paying attention to midoriya but this fate after midoriya left shannon said keigo you are amazing and thank you for all that you have done for me.Once the dish were washed then put away keigo could tell he was out of both pop and milk and shannon said she would go,get both from the store which was still open.When shannon left keigo went to take a shower because as he was once in the bathroom he saw the bulge in his pants he knew that he had to take care of it now.However things didn't go as his planned this being shannon had come back just as he was about to get into the shower how he knew this was when she said I'm back keigo and this made things worse.In that moment he decided that he would take care of his bulge later which was now a little more knowestble so he put on his pj's pants and hoping that she wouldn't see it and that he could take a shower first thing in the morning.As he went out to the living room to watch tv when shannon said I'm going to take shower then come join you on the couch after she said this keigo didn't know how much more he could take.Once shannon was inside the bathroom she knew what she had seen as she head to bathroom and that was keigo had bulge in his pj's pants as she was in the shower her face was bet red.As she knew that she wanted to help him as well as finally tell him how she feels for him instead of not telling him after she was done she put on a midnight blue nightgown that was a little short.This was so she could get his attention as well as more if her plan worked out like how she had it all planned out which she was really ready for this seen the day she felt the spark she had never felt.

The phoenix fly's into the night sky written by Midnight blackroseWhere stories live. Discover now