Volturi?!?!? Italy?!?! Is He Worth It???

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Bella's POV...
Ugh!!  Vampires and Wolves I swear...  Alice wouldn't hurt me or Marnie.  The phone rings twice.  I was about to get up and answer, but Jacob got it.  I can hear the mumbles between the two and a slam of the phone. I can hear Jacob cursing a lot and Marnie trying to calm him down. I run in the kitchen to see what's going on. I see Jacob shaking in anger while Marnie protecting herself to comfort him. What the hell happen?

Jacob: *growl anger* "Always in the way.."
Marnie: "Jacob baby please calm down; think of me baby."
Bella: "What happen? Who was that?"
Jacob: *growl* "Dr. Carlisle Cullen." *realize his phasing to a wolf* "Get back Bella, Marnie baby... I don't want hurt either of you."
Marnie: "I know sweetie think about me, think about us..."

Aww I know not the time as we try to calm Jacob down. Alice came back to warn me about a vision.

Alice: *run in* "Bella? Bella? It's Edward. Rosalie must have told him about my vision and why I'm here."
Bella: *shock* "What?"

My aunt look at me and Alice confused since she's too busy to get Jake to stay calm before going wolf. Wait a minute it was Edward who call not Carlisle.

Bella: "It's Edward who called not Carlisle." *getting mad distress* "You should let me speak to him."
Jacob: *growl* "He didn't ask for you."
Marnie: "Belle, Jay please stay calm."
Alice: "He's going to Volturi. He want to die too."

I begin to run to my room to grab a bag with Alice follow to help me pack. Jake and Marnie follow us while keeping their distance from Alice.

Marnie: "Bella babe? What are you doing?"
Bella: "I have to go Italy to save Edward from the Volturi."
Marnie: "What Italy? Why? Who are the Volturi?"
Jacob: "Bella, he doesn't love you anymore remember? He left you.. Why go after him after what he put you through."
Bella: "He won't believe Alice. He need to see I'm alive. I'm not going to let kill himself out of guilt."
Marnie: "What about your dad Bells? What the heck are you going to tell him?"
Bella: *sigh* "I'm 18; I'll leave a note for him so you can cover for me."

My aunt cross her arms nervously since she never ever lie to my dad since day one. Jacob glare at the wall since he figure out a way to get me to stay. We all ran downstairs while I carry a overnight bag with Alice grab some tickets for a flight.

Alice: "Got the tickets.."
Jacob: *snap at Alice*  "You Cullens might hunt animals, but those monsters in Italy don't ."
Alice: *rolling her eyes*  "I'm well aware what the Volturi are."
Jacob:  "Then why are taking Bella to them like a bottle of wine to a party."

I see Marnie flinch at her boyfriend's comment.  Jacob's eyes soften when he saw Marnie being anxious about me leaving.

Alice: *scoff*  "Like they aren't better off here with Victoria stalking Bella.  The one you dogs can't seem to catch?"

Jacob start to growl as Marnie whisper to his ear.  It must be something sweet since Jacob close his eyes and start to calm down.  I sigh wanting to leave to get Edward.

Bella: *sigh and grab Alice*  "Let's go." *mumbled to her*

Alice nodded giving Jacob and Marnie a look.
As Alice and I got in the car, Jacob stop me before Alice start the car and drive

Jacob: *plead*  "Please, Bella.  Stay here, for Charlie... for me... for Marnie?"

We both turn to see Marnie starting to tear up.  I can tell Jacob want to comfort my aunt as he trying to convince me to stay.  I have to save Edward, hoping Charlie and Marnie can forgive me.

Bella:  "I have to go." *look at Marnie and mouth*  "I'm sorry, I love you." *put her seatbelt on*

Alice drove off once I'm in safety.  I wipe my tears considering I'm hurting my aunt, the only one, who stay with me on my zombie state since day one.

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