Bella Meets My Sister, Your Aunt

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Bella's POV...
Okay... Dad has been acting weird for the past two days. He always next to the phone every moment and commercial breaks. Something's up around him. He won't tell me anything. I doubt he met anyone new since he's still not over my mom.

What could get my dad so anxious, I wish Edward is here he can read my dad's mind. Unfortunately the Cullens need to hunt at the moment. UGH!!!!!! I'm starting making dinner for the two of us then the phone ring. I turn off the stove to answer the phone.

Bella: *answer the phone* "Hello Swan residents."
Marnie: "Hi my name is Marleni and I'm hoping to speak to Charlie Swan please."
Bella: "Um sure let me get him." *put the phone down and walk to the living room* "Uh dad someone named Marleni is on the phone."
Charlie: *eye widen* "Oh right okay thanks Bells."

He almost ran towards the phone. I'm confuse as fudge in this moment. Like what's going on with my father. I decide to be nosy since I'm not get anything out Charlie just yet.

"Hello." I hear my dad answer the phone. I also heard him light up.
Charlie: "Hi how are you?"

UGH why didn't I get the super hearing like the Cullens. Life will be so much simple if I can hear whoever on the phone right now.

Charlie: "Oh really? Have you read it yet?"

What the heck?!?! Read what???

Charlie: "Oh wow so it is true; good thing it is the summer huh?"

What true? Summer? What's going on Charlie?

Charlie: "That's great I can't wait I'll see you tomorrow for lunch. Don't worry I'll tell her."

Tell who what? Is it me?

Charlie: "I have a lot of people who will be freak out about it. I just hope you won't get overwhelmed when the time comes."

Does he has a girlfriend? Is she shy? Are they taking the relationship slow?

Charlie: *smile* "It's so good to hear from you. Yeah we'll do that soon."

Do what?!?!?

Charlie: "Okay I'll see you tomorrow bye." *hang up the phone*

I saw him walking upstairs. What he is up to? I follow him and notice he opening the attic. Why he's in the attic?

Charlie: "Hey Bells mind helping me clean the attic?"
Bella: *confuse* "Helping you how?"
Charlie: "Just decide to some summer cleaning especially we are going to have some changes soon." *shrug*
Bella: *unsure and pick up some trash* "Are you going to donate some things?"
Charlie: *look around* "Yeah probably."
Bella: "Um why are we cleaning the attic now?"

Charlie's POV...
I guess now is the time to tell Bella everything. I don't know how she going to take the news.

Charlie: *sighs*  "About a month ago after you went to prom, I got a letter from Galveston county that my parents passed away two days before that due to a fire hazard."
Bella: *shock* "They were still alive all of this time."
Charlie: "Believe me I got upset when I got told anyways the letter continue stating that I have a fifteen years old sister got left behind."

I look at Bella's face and she look shock and disbelief.  I won't blame her it's a tough pill to shallow.  Bella snap out of her shock.

Bella:  "So I have a fifteen years old aunt; is she going to live with us?"
Charlie: *nod her head*  "Yeah which is why we're cleaning the attic to be her room. And my parents gave me some money from their will so I can update the house."
Bella: *surprise*  "Really dad wow that's great." *look around*  "What kind of changes you're thinking of?"

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