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Hi! My name's River thank you so much for clicking on my story!

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And here are all the stories this book includes:

0. Fan fact
Fan fact is only like 100 words so I'm not counting it as a chapter basically Percy try's to prank Annabeth

1. Nico!
Will wakes up one day to find Zombies outside he's cabin so he does the natural thing text Nico but he only just got his phone and typed the number in wrong

2. Hey Annabeth
Percy does dumb things we all know this but what happens when one of those dumb thing is to break into Avengers tower?

3. What's the point of life?
Someone texts the seven asking what they think life is about how well they respond?

When Danny gives Tucker the wrong number for his new phone they gain a new and very weird friend who's name may be Percy Jackson

5. Dare
What happens when Percy texts Barry Allen Harry Potter Tony Stark Peter Parker and Jim Lake "I'm gonna destroy the world"

6. Monopoly
Every Tuesday Magnus Chase and his friends play bored games to the death what happens when Magnus texts the wrong number asking if he's been killed yet

7. Angry Father (Monoploy part 2)
Part two to Monoploy

8. Group chats suck
Percy adds Annabeth to a group chat with Zinnia and Simon (they're OCs) what happens when she send a strange message?

9. Get. Down. Now.
What happens when Peter won't get off the ceiling? Well Percy be able to figure out why? (Peter x Percy)

10. The cat's out of the bag or spider (get down now part 2)
This is the second part to Get. Down. Now.

11.Little Sis
Percy died in a monster attack leaving his eight year old sister with out him so she kept texting him to tell him what was going on and how she was

12. Just tell me!
Annabeth gets some concerning text from Percy but he won't explain what's going on well Annabeth be able to figure it out?

13. Wtf
Percy starts sending strange messages to the group chat

14. Bro!
Percy and Jason make up they're own language but what happens when Nico learns it too?

15. Among us
What happens when the seven Nico and two OC play among us together?

16. You don't even remember me?
Percy gets a text from an old enemy how will he get he's revenge?

17. Now there's two (You don't even remember me? Part 2)
Part 2 to you don't even remember me?

18. Percy's side chick
Annabeth and Piper have teased Percy and Jason about them cheating with each for a long time but what happens when Percy confirms it?

19. Bet
Percy and Annabeth love their bets don't they? Well Percy might lose this one

20. Sleepover!
The seven are adults and have their own children who want to have a sleepover let's see how the conversation goes

21. Hey Jason 😈
Jason pissed off Percy how will he get revenge?

22. Magic
Percy loves meeting new people this time he gave his new "friend" the nick name Magical Harry but that nick name might be more accurate then Percy originally thought

23. Lamb to the Slaughter
You don't cross Nico everyone at camp knows this but Percy seems to have forgotten and Nico wants revenge

24. The Sea Prince
Percy texts a random number to complain about the "ghost in his closet"

26. Among Us Again
The seven play among us... again


Again thank you for giving my book a chance I'll stop wasting your time now but I hope you enjoy reading! 😁

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