Descent Into Chaos - E2 - Living Nightmare

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Hope: they shot him.

Mom: Wow, all of that happened. I'm sorry you had to go through it.

Hope: It's over now so there's nothing to worry about.

Lili: Tell your mom about what that dentist said.

Mom: What thing? What did she say?

Hope: It's impossible but......she said that he had died 2 days ago.

Mom: Maybe he wasn't dead. I've read stories about people who were pronounced dead but were actually alive.

Hope: That still doesn't explain why he attacked us.

Dad: Honey, I'm home.

- Oh!

- What happened to you?

Mom: They got attacked by some old man at the hospital and he bit Lili.

Dad: What?

Mom: He even attacked the security so they had to put him down.

Dad: Why didn't you just run away and call me or the police?

Hope: We did but he followed us and attacked us again.

Dad: You should've just stayed put in the first place.

Hope: What would YOU have done in my place?

Mom: Please, stop fighting.

- They're okay now, Andrew. That's all that matters.

Hope: Come on, Lili. Let's go to my room and watch some movies.

20 minutes had passed.

Lili: What is taking you so long?

Hope: Give me a sec.

Lili: What are you doing? What are you looking at?

Hope: I couldn't stop thinking about the man supposedly being dead. So I searched the web and surprisingly enough it seems that recently there have been many cases of supposedly dead people coming back to life and attacking people.

Lili: Really? What else?

Hope: Nothing. There is barely any information online. I was just lucky enough to stumble on this. I wonder if it's being censored by someone.

Lili: Don't be ridiculous. If something was happening, there's no way they would be able to fully cover it up. Someone would've definitely leaked it.

Hope: This IS literally that, it's a leak.

Lili: Well, maybe you should talk to your Mom about it.

Hope: You're right. I'll do that first thing in the morning.

- Now let's go watch some movies.

They watched several horror movies and it was getting really late.

Hope: Lili, are you awake?

- It seems Lili was too tired after everything that happened today and she fell asleep.

- I guess I should do that too.

So she turned the computer off and went to sleep.

During the night she had nightmares about the old man attacking her and trying to bite her.

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