Descent Into Chaos - E3 - Tipping Point

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Saddened by what just happened Hope went to the one place that makes her happy, a tall tree right beside the bridge that you cross when you enter her home town. The view from that tree always calms her down and allows her to clear her head.

- Fuck him

- I can't take it anymore I'm so sick of him.

- I wish he would just die.

- He hates everything I do and now he knows that I like girls.

- Aaargh, what do I do? I can't stay home anymore.

A few minutes passed with Hope still quietly sobbing.

- I guess I can just pack my stuff and go. But. Then what? No job, no house, nothing.

- Aaargh I wish there was a way out of this mess.

At that moment about a dozen cars coming from the city at high speed, went to cross the bridge but one of them lost control and ended up crashing into two other cars,which caused a chain reaction. Cars crashed into one another, some of them even flying off the bridge.


Seeing all the mayhem she got down from the tree and rushed to help anybody who had survived the crash. drivers who managed to avoid crashing did the same

- Oh my god! Oh My God! - said Hope as she came running to the scene.

When she got closer things looked even worse. Some cars were totaled, others were on fire, there were even some bodies who were thrown outside of the cars.

Finally Hope found someone alive.

- Oh my god!

- Are you okay?

Stranger: My leg. I think it's broken.

Hope: Here, let me help you.

Stranger: Thank you!

Hope: What is going on? Why was everyone rushing so much?

Stranger: The dead! Aaah, help me get away from the cars.

Hope: Why? What is going?

Stranger: The dead are going to rise soon.

Hope: What are you talking about?

Stranger: Look! Aaagh! There.

Looking in the direction the stranger told her to, she saw people who were thrown out of their cars starting to get up. But they weren't alive, some of them even had bones sticking out.

Stranger: Come on, we have to get away more are coming from the city, it's full of them.

Hope: Holy shit! Let's get you to a guy I know nearby he can help you.

Seeing dead people coming from every direction the people stuck on the other side of the bridge grabbed their things and started running and jumping over the crashed cars in an attempt to stay alive.

Meanwhile, Hope and the stranger, slowly made their way to a family friend's house that was about a kilometer away from the bridge.

Hope: SHAWN!


Shawn: Hope? Is that you? Haven't seen you in a while!

- Oh,shit! What happened to him? Who is he?

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