Chapter 12

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(A.N~Just a little warning this chapter contains a bit of drug usage that others may find uncomfortable or hard to read :)

Also another thing my past self thought it was a great idea to put them up against their old school all the way from Arizona so just roll with it okay....)

Harlows POV

It's been nearly two months since me and Roman have been here. That means Christmas is coming up. It's was much colder here in Chicago than it was in Arizona. We have never really gotten the full Christmas/Winter experience. Since Arizona doesn't get snow nor does it get as cold.

Nothing has really changed in the past two months. Everything has been the same. Roman and the boys have been getting on really well. Maybe because he isn't as hurt as I am?

For me I'm still the same sarcastic, cold shoulder person. The boys have been trying to get me to open up. Well except Xander. Everytime they do I give them the cold shoulder.

Would I ever be able to open up to them?

School. How do I even explain school? Well me and my friends have been getting on really well and becoming a lot more closer. Levi joined our group of friends. Speaking of him we still have our guitar sessions during lunch to clear both of our heads. It was nice to have him back, someone to talk to.

I stay far away from the girls who rub their slimy hands all over my brothers. Not wanting to catch their desperation.

Don't even get me started on Lucas and Angelo. Since I "lost" my homework a couple of times. I now have to do it infront of one of my brothers particularly Angelo and Lucas. I sit in their office when they are at home and I do it while they work. At this stage they might aswell just give me my own desk.

I haven't started track yet since it doesn't start till next Spring. Talking about sport today we are going to Romans and Xaviers first basketball match of the season. It was a late Friday afternoon. It was just after dinner, Roman and Xavier were running around like two headless chickens. Pretty funny if you ask me.

I just sat on the couch munching on a chocolate bar I found in the press as they run around.

Xavier chucked something at me. Hitting my face before I could catch it. "Put this on."

I looking down at what he had just thrown at me. It turns out it was a basketball jersey. His basketball jersey.

"No." I pushed it off my lap and onto the couch.

"Please. Come on it will make me happy if you put it on." Xavier was now or at least trying to do puppy dog eyes. I took another side glance at the jersey.


"Please." At this stage he leaned over the couch pressing his hands together as if praying while full force trying to do puppy dog eyes.

"Fine! As long as you stop with that ugly face." His smile grew ever wider. If that's even possible and he began again running around the house like a headless chicken.

After finishing my bar of chocolate. Roman came up to me. "Why aren't you dressed? Come on Harl we will be leaving in a few and your not even dressed." Before he could say anymore I went upstairs to change. Roman can be all sweet but when he is stressed you don't want to be on his bad side.

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