Chapter 41

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Harlows POV

Numb. Thats how I feel both mentally and now physically. I lay in the bath staring at the wall infront of me.

How could one phone call trigger me? After everything I have been through. How could this trigger me? Maybe it was the finale switch to go off. The last bit of my fuse.

Maybe because my life has changed drastically that its now all hitting me like a ton of bricks. That now I don't have a choice to put all my feelings to the side like I did a few months ago when I had other worries.

But how could explain this? They would think I'm mad laying in a freezing cold bath which I will probably get sick. But can't seem to want to move enjoying the numbness.

The night replays in my head. I want to feel physically numb so I don't feel his hands. This is why I am doing this. I just want someone to burst through that door and tell me what I am doing is wrong. To hug me close and tell me it will be okay.

But that wasn't going to happen and I need to sober up and get out of this pity party.

First I drain the water out of the bath. Not moving letting the goosebumps hit my arms. When the water is drained I stand up. I stumble out of the bath grabbing a towel. Wrapping it tightly around my body avoiding the mirror.

I walk straight into my wardrobe grabbing a pair of underwear and an oversized black top. Something to be easy to change out of if I wake up in the middle of the night. Thats if I get to sleep.

I get into bed not caring if my hair is wet or not. Lying down pulling the covers close to my chest as if someone was going to pull them off of me.

I hadn't even checked my phone its still off and smashed. Then I realized I never turned off the light but I wasn't bothered to move I was to comfortable and the dark would scare me.

It's not the darkness that scares me it's whats in it. The same way I'm afraid to close my eyes. I'm afraid of what my head has instore and by closing my eyes was a one way ticket to reliving that nightmare.

My eyes were trained to the door. I don't even know what time it was. But just then the door opened and who ever was standing in that doorway had my full attention.

My heart pounded on my chest...

Then Roman walked through the door shutting it slowly and quietly behind him. He looked at me his eyes glazing my figure in the bed. He took slow steps towards me like I would snap at him at any minute.

"Roman what are you doing in here?" My voice was cold.

He didn't answer. He turned off the light and made his way over to my bed. My eyes watched his every movement. He climbed in the other side of my bed. I glared at him through the dark.

He sighed before talking. "Harl I know something is wrong..." silence "Right now you don't have to tell me even though you can. I understand. Well I can try to understand since we both went through everything together. Well most things...We both have gotten our own shit end of the stick."

There was silence I turned to face him. He scooted closer to me until he finally reached me and pullled me in. So my head was now on his chest.

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