Bonus Chap.2

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Harlows POV

1 Year Later...
(Harlow is seventeen.)

"Come on you promised we would do this." I whined pulling Levi by the arm. As he slowly let me pull him stopping every couple of times just to show off his strength.

"Yeah and I promised when we were children." I looked back at Levi who just rolled his eyes.

"I don't care we're going because I never brake my promises and I'm not starting today." I started to pull him along again.

"Sure you have never broken any promises?" Levi stopped in his place again making ne stop. When I looked back at him he just raised his eyebrows.

"SShh..come on we're going to be late." I started to pull him along again.

"Do your brothers even know your doing this?" He stopped again in his spot.

I gulped looking back at him. "Nope." I smiled sheepishly. His eyes widened.

"Harlow your brothers will kill me!" He threw his free arm up into the arm. He pulled the arm that I was holding closer to him. Bringing me more closer to him.

"I'm sorry but I don't want to die today." He started walking the other way now pulling me along.

I stopped and yanked his arm back towards me. He stumbled in his steps a bit. "Its not like it's my first one either." I roll my eyes.

"I know it's not but it's not like your brothers will be looking there anytime soon and I personally don't want to lose my girlfriend either." He sighed.

"Come on you little chicken let's go!" I caught him off guard and started to him back to way we originally were going.

"Woah! Woah! Harl this isn't a goo__"

I stopped dead in my spot and Levi walked into me. He looked down to me in surprise. "Any bets your just making up excuses because your too scared to do it." I look him dead in the eye.

"I'm not."

"Well then what are you waiting for let's go!" I start to walk again. Levi walks along with me.

There we stood outside the tattoo studio. Levi always said when we were younger that we should get matching tattoos. He was the one to come up with the idea when we were younger.

Third Person

A Couple Of Years Ago...

A little girl and boy sat outside in a playground. They both sat on the swings. The little girl watched over the playground as her little brother ran around playing with the other kids.

"You know I seen this really cool guy and he had drawings ALL over his body. It was SO COOL!" Little Levi shot his hands up trying to show how cool it was. This caught little Harlows attention.

He swung his legs back and forth. "Mommy said that you can only get them when your a big boy. But I seen Daddy with them. I think we should get matching." Levi smiled up at Harlow.

"Ooo yeah that would be so fun then we could be bff for the rest of internity!" Harlow now shot her hands up in the air.

Levi shot a goofy smile at her.

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