Chapter 8

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Harlows POV

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!..COME ON GET YOUR HUNGOVER ASSES UP!" What was going on? I rolled over. Shoving my head underneath my pillow to stop the loud noises of someone shouting. Through what sounds like a megaphone? I'm trying to cure my pounding headache here.

Only for the noise to get louder and closer. "WAKE UP HARLOW! WE HAVEN'T GOT ALL DAY!" All I could do was groan. The blankets were ripped off of me and the pillow keeping my head from pounding was removed.

I sat up and Xavier stood there smirking at me. Holding a megaphone in his hand. If I wasn't so hungover I would kill him right now. Before I could complain he pointed to the water and pain killers beside my bed and told me to drink up.

I rubbed my eyes removing the sleep. Looking at the clock reading five in the moring. It was five! I only got three hours of sleep! This was madness. "JORDAN GET YOUR FAT ASS UP! YOU KNOW THE DRILL!" I heard a thump. Then an "ow!". I just laughed. I quickly swallowed the pain killers and water.

Xander walked into my room without knocking well I mean Xavier kind of left the door open, in anyways. He walked into my wardrobe and threw a pair of workout clothes at me. "Change." He demanded. "After meet us outside in the Backgarden." With that he walked out of my room and headed towards Roman.

I fell back onto my bed. Xavier walked by "HARLOW! GO! GO! COME ON MOVE IT YOUNG LADY!" With that I shot back up and he left probably heading towards Romans room. I got changed and grabbed a pair of sunglasses. As I was walking out of my room, Roman was heading my way. He looked like death himself I'm guessing he is not use to drinking like I am.

We walked outside to the back garden. Jordan stood there with his head down. He had to squint his eyes to see. The sun was hurting his eyes. Thats why I brought my trusty sunglasses.

Infront of us stood Xander, Xavier, Lucas and you never guess who?


This was the first time have ever seen him or even Lucas for a fact without a suit on. They were both wearing a pair of basket ball shorts with a t-shirt.

"See Jordan already knows how this punishment works but for you guys it's your first time. So were going to make you sweat your hangover out." He said clapping his hands. If I had of known I had to do exercise. I wouldn't of drank in the first place. A warning would of been nice.

"So we usually give you someone who will make you their workout. Roman your with Lucas, Harlow your with the twins and Jordan your with me!" He smirked. This was not going to be good. I can already see it.

They told us to stretch. My body was already hurting me. Just from stretching. I don't know how I was suppost to get through this. The first thing we start to do was laps around our back garden. We had a big back garden. Xavier stayed back shouting at us as we ran around the garden.


Xander started laughing, I'm sorry but my short legs can't keep up with his long strides.

"ROMAN THERE IS NO BREAKS! GET BACK TO IT!" Roman had stopped trying to catch his breath only to end up getting sick. Lucas came to his side and was rubbing his back as he threw up. But he had to continue running.

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