Chapter 49

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Romans POV

It has been a week since we had to go to that fancy dinner. How time flys right?

Saturday again, today me and Summer were going to the park. There was a river that had ducks, Summer wanted to go buy a loaf of bread and feed them. While we could chill by the side just enjoying the breeze.

Little things like that we enjoyed. Just eachothers company.

We had already gotten the bread and we were now on our way to the park hand in hand. As we got closer I could tell how Summer got more excited.

First when she had asked me to do this with her she told me that this was probably weird and that I probably didn't want to do it. That it was okay if I didn't want to. But I immediately told her yes. As long as I was in her company I didn't care what we were doing.

When we got to the park we sat down by the edge of the river on the grass that was beside it. The park was peaceful. You could only hear the birds chirping, the wind blowing through the trees, the water moving along it's stream and some ducks quacking.

It was actually cold out today. I wrapped my arm around Summer shoulder to pull her close and so we could keep eachother warm. She looked as gorgeous as she always does. She wasn't dress up, just comfy. She wore a pair of black leggings with one of my grey jumpers and her jacket. Her hair was thrown into a messy bun.

She opened the bread packet taking out a slice. Tearing up the slice into smaller slices for the ducks. Then throwing it into the water. I did the same. We both just watched the ducks fight over the bread.

She sighed and layed her head on my chest. Making my heart flutter.

"You know...I haven't been this happy for such a long time..." She looked up at me staring at me confused.

"Ever since I have moved in with my brothers I became happy but then I met you and I became happier." I smiled to think how much I had came.

"Same I've been so happy ever since I've met you. No one has ever treated me like you." She smiled.

"Summer I want to open up. I want to tell you about my life before I moved in with my brothers." I looked in her eyes.

"You sure? There is no pressure if your not ready." She said softly.

"No I know nearly everything about you and I think it's time I tell you about me. I don't even know if Harlow knows this." I mutter the last part and she nods.

She still looks deeply into my eyes to show that she is listening and that I have her full attention.

"My parents got a divorce. My Mam turned to drugs and alcohol. So I was basically raised by Harlow. We had no money only the money that Harlow had from working and then whatever I had myself from working. I hung around with a group of kids from school. They were "friends"..."

"..I did everything I could to fit in with them. They always teased me on how much money I had which was none. Harlow and me had worked our asses off for everything. Where as these people got everything hand and foot. But I still stuck around them I just wanted to fit in like any othe kid or teenager. You know what happened one night?"

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