Angelo's POVBack when they were at
The restaurant...I watched Harlow and Levi leave the table. Once they weren't Leo turned to me. "We need to talk." He nodded his head and we left the table.
I followed him out to the hallway. He looked around making sure there was no one near us.
"Remember you asked me to find a man?" He asked suddenly he was all serious and I nodded my head.
"Turns out he was one of my sellers. But don't worry I had my men take care of him. You won't ever need to worry about him again."
"Leo thank you." I smile gratefully at Leo he had just solved one of our familys problems.
"No problem Angelo it was a favour and I would also do anything for my family. That man deserved to go to hell." He said a smirk playing on his lips.
We started walking out towards the courtyard. What caught my view was my innocent little sister touching lips with another person. Ew!
Roman's POV
Back To Present Time..
Angelo had called me down to his office. He wanted to tell me something important.
Angelo had never really called me down to his office. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I mean I haven't done anything wrong. Have I?
When I get to the door before I can even knock. I hear a 'come in'. Walking in I notice Angelo behind his desk. He lifts his head when he hears me entering giving me a small smile.
"Roman your not in trouble. Come sit on the couch I just need to tell you something." I let out a sigh of relief. Angelo's tone was so soft.
I moved to the small leather couch sitting down. Angelo moved pulling over one of the armchairs that was infront of his desk over to the couch. Sitting down infront of me. He intertwined his fingers together resting them on his lap. I stared right at him waitting to hear what he had to say.
He took a deep breath before starting. "Roman something has happened and I'm telling you this because you seem muture enough." Angelo started and I gave him a nod, giving him my full attention.
"So I got news for the centre Mom is staying at..." I nodded.
"Well she relapsed two days ago. Some how she got her hands on some sort of drug and well relapsed almost overdosing. She is in stable condition and getting the best treatment."
My eyes widened, shocked. She only had one more week and then she would've been out. I didn't know what to say. Was I upset? Disappointed? But I knew this would be hard on her. Maybe she had a reason for it?
"Are you okay Rome?" Angelo rested his hand on my shoulder. I nodded I had no words really. She promised.
"Emmm...Does Harlow know?" I asked because he never mentioned it. He sighed taking his hand away.
"No...I haven't told her yet. I'm afraid of her reaction...Me and Lucas think it's best if we tell her when Linda wakes up. We are planning on telling her that Linda has decided to stay a bit longer than actually planned." Angelo said looking in my eye.
I could see where he was coming from but was it right? But I mean they were protecting her right?
"I just don't want her to lose hope in Linda. I also don't want to see her hurt etheir. So please keep this down low. We told you because we knew you would be more muture and level headed to take this information."
I couldn't say anything really. I mean I can't lie to Harlow etheir she would know right away. But if this was protecting her from being hurt then it was okay to lie right?
"It's okay I understand." I nodded I was still taking in all the information. Angel kneeled infront of me pulling me into a hug.
I hugged him back because I usually never get this type of affection from him so I will enjoy it. He put his hand at the back of my head holding it.
"Rome if your upset. Please cry don't hold it all in. We will always be here for you." He whispered into my ear.
I clenched my eyes shut feeling the tears brim up at my eyes. Why I was crying? I don't know. Maybe I am upset to know that we were so close to getting our Mam back and we took ten steps back.
I let them fall.
Angelo just held me until I stopped crying.
Harlows POV
I stood in the libary on one of the beanbags. With my guitar running my hand over my engraved name on it. Thinking of a song to play.
There has been this nagging feeling in my stomach all day and I can't seem to get it out of ny system. My nerves are also going mad constantly tensing. I need something to take my mind off of it and to be exact play my guitar.
'Drops Of Jupiter by Train'
'But tell me, did you sail across the sun?
Did you make it to the Milky Way
To see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated?
Tell me, did you fall from a shooting star?
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were
Looking for yourself out there?'I played something that I could feel a bit upbeat to. Then I decided to play 'Hey There Deliah' by 'Plain White T's'
'Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
What you do to me'Once I was finished playing, a smile ached on my face. The nagging feeling had gone away while I played. I hadn't even noticed the tears that had dripped down my face. I wiped them away but they just kept coming. I didn't even know why I was crying so hard? Maybe I just need to let some tears out?
But it didn't last long until that nagging feeling came back...
There we go Chapter 50....
I hope this was okay. So somethings have happened in this chapter. I think Harlow has a third sense or something you know that. But I just felt like both moments were needed. Especially for the plot.
Also Leo said he took care of that man for Angelo..oop...
Do you think Angelo is right by not telling Harlow??
What do you think Harlows reaction will be if she ever finds out the truth??
Any suggestions??
Any theories??
Any questions??Thanks so much for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment...

Us Two And Them
Teen FictionWhat happens when a mother and father get a divorce leaving their seven children heart broken and seperated from one another. When the father receives full custody of the 5 of them after not willing to fight for the 2 youngest which the judge though...