Chapter 25

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Harlows POV

I was sitting on the couch with Jordan. We were watching the TV. It was around dinner time. We had turned on the news only to be turned off by a frantic Lucas.

"Hey! What did you do that for?" We both said in sinc. Lucas gave us a looked that said 'Don't question me' we both shut up at his look. We weren't going to defy him because when Lucas is angry he looks scary.

He then walked out of the room taking the remote with him. Roman came down the stairs. For some strange reason his hair and top was all wet.

He than plopped down on the couch beside us. We both turned our attention to him.

"What happened?" Jordan literally read my mind.

"Xander happened!" He groaned and winced at the thought.

"What did he do?" I was curious to what happened there wasn't a mark on him accept his hair and t-shirt was wet.

"They gave me a swirly" He huffed crossing his arms over his chest.

I couldn't help it I started breaking my heart out laughing. So did Jordan I could bearly get any words out.

"" I said between laughs. Then it hit me and I stopped laughing. He hadn't taken a shower. His head was only down a toilet bowl.

"Ew! You little gremlin take a shower!" I said moving away from him.

Before anyone could say anything Jason came into the living room where we had sat. He looked at Roman giving him a questionable look but ignored it and continued with his task.

"I need your phones for a while." I gave him a questioning look.

"I'll give them back." He held out his hand. Jordan and Roman handed their phones to him. As I was about to hand mine over aload of notifications started to pop up. I was about to check when Jason pulled my phone out of my hand and left before I could protest.

"Also Roman take a shower don't be so disgusting!" He shouted over his shoulder.

Roman got up and went upstairs.

It had been about an hour. We had moved upstairs to the gaming room where we were all playing pool. Since there was nothing else to do. There was something going on outside though. You could hear people running around. I even went downstairs to grab some snacks and Lucas was running around like a mad man. I wonder whats up their asses.

Next thing everyone came in. Even Aunt Kelly and Uncle Pat. Which lately have been doing their own thing.

"I didn't know this was a party.." I mumbled under my breath. I wasn't expecting anyone to hear but Xavier did and it caused him to glare. Causing rhe older three to glare at him.

"We have something important to tell yous. Me and Jason have to go on a business trip and since Uncle Pat and Aunt Kelly are leaving tomorrow Lucas will be incharge." Angelo said not leaving room for discussion. Why were they leaving so sudden?

Something was going on and they didn't want us to find out. They didn't even want Xander or Xavier to know.

They walked out of the room but I followed behind. I was going to get my answers one way or another.

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