A Summer in Ohio

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2 years ago

Trixie pressed the call button on her computer screen, smiling widely as she waited under the burning hot sun.  

"Katya." She sighed out as the beautiful face of her wife appeared on the screen.

"Hi baby, how's it going?" Katya asked with a bright smile.

"It's good, strange, but okay. You know, I could have a mansion on a hill but it wouldn't be as nice as a summer in Ohio with a gay white man with dwarfism playing Tevye and Porgy." Trixie replied sarcastically.

"Oh wow." Her wife laughed.

"Mhm, quite impressive, right?" The brown eyed girl said with a nod, her eyes large as she thought about how the theatre was both representing some minorities and offending others at the same time. 

"What else?" Katya asked.

"Well, I'm sharing a room with a "former " stripper and her snake called Wayne." Trixie laughed a little, whilst the blue eyed girl was fully wheezing at the absurdity of the cast her wife was working with.

"But you know what, I could have a satchel full of dollar bills or be in line to be the British queen, and still I'm certain I'd prefer to be going slowly insane forty miles east of Cincinatti." 

This comment caused Katya to laugh even harder, flailing her legs and arms as her entire body shook.

"Honestly tho, I could shove an ice pick in my eye or eat expired fish and it still wouldn't be as awful as a summer in Ohio without cable, hot water, vietnamese food, or you." Trixie said into the camera, emphazising the last word with a longing tone.

"Oh baby, I love you. And dear God, I miss you." Katya replied.

"I miss you too, so much, you have no idea. Oh by the way, I saw your book at a Target in Kentucky, under a sign that said New and Recommended. I even stole a look at your picture on the inside sleave of it." Trixie said, giggling at how childish she had acted once she'd seen her wife's book. 

"Also, get this, Richard was there and he got all quiet and shit. And then he said; 
All things considered, I guess you don't have to buy it. Literally in the most snarky tone ever, so I just smiled like Mona Lisa and turned around to buy it anyways." She continued.

"That's my girl." The blue eyed girl said in a proud tone.

"I swear, he wants me, he's like not even trying to hide it anymore, but bitch he ain't gonna get me." The curvy blonde said.

Trixie knew had found her guiding light and she thanked the stars above for it every night, because honestly she must have done something extremely right in her life to earn having Katya be in it.

"Damn right, he ain't." Katya replied. 

"I swear, you're the one thing I know is right about my life." Trixie said sincerely. "I just pray I can state in my next bio that I'm never gonna go back to Ohio, I'm so over playing shows for a room of 8 seniors." She added.

"I know babe, I'm sure things will pick up soon tho."

"I hope so. But honestly, I could chew on tin foil or get a root canal in hell, but it still wouldn't be as good as this summer is gonna be. 'Cause the torture is just incredible as I'm waiting for you to visit." Trixie said, her tone slightly seductive at the end as she ran her hands over her body.

"Oh Trix, now you're just being unfair. Fuck, I wanna touch you so badly." Katya said as she watched her wife kneed her large breasts together before quickly pulling down her bra to flash the camera for a couple seconds. 

"Well then hurry up and get here. There's a girl named Mrs. Zamolodchikova who is desperate to see you." The brown eyed girl replied. 

"Oh, is there? Then I shall hurry, wouldn't want to keep this Mrs. Zamolodchikova waiting." The blue eyed writer responded. 


"I'll see you soon baby." Katya assured.

"See you soon, Katya. Bye." Trixie said, blowing a kiss which her wife pretended to catch before hanging up the call to return to rehearsals with the dwarf, the stripper, and Wayne the snake. 

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