I Can Do Better Than That

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4 years ago

It was a long drive, around 13 hours and yet the pair didn't care. They were like teenagers who'd fallen in love for the first time, their minds only filled with adoration for the other person. Katya was going to be meeting Trixie's parents for the first time and so they'd made a roadtrip out of it.

"You know they're gonna love me, right? I'm the best with parents." Katya joked.

"I'm sure they will." Trixie laughed, and Katya tried so hard to keep her eyes on the road instead of staring at that beautiful smile she knew Trixie would be sporting.

"Honestly, I'm so happy I got out of that town. You've got no idea." Trixie added after a while.

"What was it like?" 

"Well, my best friend got knocked up at the end of our senior year, a month after graduation she and her boyfriend, Mitchell got married." The doll started explaining.

"Oh wow." 

"I know. Carolann got stuck at home, constantly asking; What am I doing here?, whilst Mitchell was out every night, being a heavy-metal drummer. Then the baby came and they both settled down. They got a little cute house on a little cute street, with a crucifix on the door, and Mitchell got a job at the record store in the mall whilst Carolann is a stay-at-home mom." She continued.

"Oh my god, they are literally every prejudice I've had against rural Wisconsin." Katya laughed, making Trixie scream like a bird. 

"Right?! And honestly that's just the typical facts of a typical life in my hometown. And I thought about what I wanted, and it was seriously anything but that. So I attended Carolann's baby shower and thought; I can do better than that, and in a year or so I left for New York." 

"Well, thank god you did, baby." The blue eyed woman said, picking up the doll's hand and kissing it softly.

"Me too, I just thought like; What have I got to lose? So I rented a room, got a cat, and honestly never again because cats are devils, and I got twenty pounds thinner." Trixie said.

"Oh, she's a skinny legend!" Katya yelled out, making the doll slap her arm, feeling embarrassed even tho it was unlikely that anyone could hear them over the roaring noise of cars speeding down the interstate.

"When I moved I met this girl in a class I was taking who wouldn't leave me alone unless I went with her to dinner. And like she was cute and sweet, and I guess she was good in bed... But I seriously gave up my life for a better part of a year. And the second I thought it might get serious she said she needed a break, needed to focus on her career.

"Okay, she can fuck all the way off." 

"Mhmm, she even blew me off by leaving a heartfelt letter, and again I just thought; I can do better than that, I deserve better than that." Trixie said as she leaned over to kiss Katya's neck.

"Baby, I'm driving."

"Pull over." Trixie demanded, and Katya couldn't resist. At the earliest posibillity she drove off the interstate, driving into a woodland area where they couldn't see a house for miles. 

Just as the blue eyed girl had parked the car Trixie's lips where on hers, their tounges dancing around eachother before the doll's lips started kissing and sucking on Katya's neck once more, making the red lipped girl moan sweetly.

"You don't have to get a haircut. You don't have to throw out your wierd collection of fake body parts. You don't have to like Barbie, just love me. You don't have to do the dishes. You don't have to stop smoking. You don't have to like live music. You don't even have to like food. You don't have to change a thing, just stay with me." Trixie said as she attacked Katya's skin, painting the pale complection with stains of pink and marks of purple and red. 

"Fuck Trix, I love you so much." Katya groaned as she pulled the doll's shirt off.

"I love you too. God, I just want you and you and nothing but you, miles and piles of you. No substitution will do, nothing but fresh, undiluted and pure, cream of the crop and totally mine." The brown eyed girl continued as she ripped off the other woman's clothes.

Soon their bodies joined together as they chased the highs of pleasure. Skin against skin moving so perfectly in an elegant fashion despite it being in the middle of the woods not far from a highway. The contrast creating an odd sort of synergy.

Once completion had found them, Trixie layed down on Katya's chest, the blue eyed woman's hands playing with the doll's long blonde hair, combing through it in a calming fashion.

"I don't need any lifetime commitments, you know.. I don't like need to get married anytime soon, so please don't throw up your walls and defenses. Really, I don't mean to put on any pressure, but I know when a thing is right and this Katya, this feels so right to me." Trixie said as she layed a hand on the other woman's heart, knowing it was cheesy but unable to stop herself.

"It feels right to me too, Trix. Trust me, if I didn't believe in us, I'd have never had gone on this trip with you." Katya said kissing the doll's cheek. They layed in comfortable silence before Trixie spoke up again.

"By the way, when we get to my house, take a look at that town, take a look at how far I've gone. I swear, I'll never move back, ever. It feels like my life led me right to your side and will keep me there from now on. So just think about what you wanted, think about what we could be, think about how I love you and please say you'll move in with me. Think of the bullshit we've both been through, Kat. All that's just the past now and we can do better, I promise." Trixie spoke.

"I'll think about it, okay?" The blue eyed girl responded.

"Okay." The doll said as she nodded against Katya's chest.

"Do you really think we won't end up like any of those people?" Katya asked after a while.

"I really do, we can do better than that."

If only Trixie had known then what she knew now.

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