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Virgin Mary | 3:47pm
so the gang is planning a night out this week, you free saturday?

Me | 5:07pm
why this saturday?

Me | 5:07pmis it someone's birthday??
Me | 5:07pm pls say no

Virgin Mary | 5:08pm
Tom's is in two weeks and you better not forget that

Me | 5:08pm
ffs marianne i won't

Virgin Mary | 5:09pm
you better not bitch I need your help with the present
Virgin Mary | 5:09pm
can't give my boy anything less than perfection

Me | 5:10pm
wow what a way to not out pressure in your about-to-burst-from-stress friend

Virgin Mary | 5:11pm
you mean my overdramatic friend?
Virgin Mary | 5:11pm
get your hole and you'll be fine

Me | 5:11pm

Virgin Mary | 5:12pm
Virgin Mary | 5:12pm
you need to shag
Virgin Mary | 5:12pm
when's the last time you got your hole

Me | 5:13pm
I'm busy okay i don't want a boyfriend rn

Virgin Mary | 5:14pm
so that's totally why I've been hearing about Holden for the past three months 👀

Me | 5:15pm
you do realise we work at the same place right
Me | 5:15pm
i can't just hook up with a guy i have to see every day for at least 8 hours

Virgin Mary | 5:16pm
fucking hell you're a tuff nut

Me | 5:17pm
go make me some tea pls
Me | 5:17pm
I'm home in 20 and I've got some late emails

Virgin Mary | 5:17pm
whatever bitch
Virgin Mary | 5:18pm
you're a freaking workaholic
Virgin Mary | 5:18pm
shag Holden

Me | 5:19pm
shut up
Me | 5:19pm
ur blocked ❤

Virgin Mary | 5:20pm
so are you free on saturday or not?
Virgin Mary | 5:33pm
ur cancelled❤

The music coming from their apartment is loud enough that Addie hears it as she walks up the staircase. She can't distinguish the song, but the beat's there, and she's either imagining Marianne singing along, or it's actually happening. One is just as likely as the other.

  It gets louder when Addie walks through the door, and she figures it's safe to assume it's her friend rather than her imagination. The door closes behind her, sound swallowed by whatever rock song Marianne is blasting through the speaker – this is what Addie is used to.

  She leaves her purse on the drawer at the side of the hallway, one that's filled with trinkets they've got nowhere else to put, and she hangs the raincoat right next to it. Her shoes are the next to come off – the loss of the three inches that the burgundy platforms come with comes as soon as she steps out of them. Her feet are grounding her on the floor, now, and a moment's break is all she gives herself. It's peace after a tedious day of relentless work; it's the calm from the scent of cinnamon candles, Earl Grey tea, and the dish Marianne is making that smells very Italian – this feels like home.

  Addie makes her way to the kitchen. Her roommate is singing her heart out to music coming from the speaker on the round table, stirring whatever's in the pot in front of her. Marianne doesn't notice her come in, so Addie walks over to the speaker and tunes it down, low enough for them to talk.

PHONE SWAP | drew starkeyWhere stories live. Discover now