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Winnie | 8:29pm
A little birdie told me you're going on a date with Holden in two days...

Me | 8:30pm
A little birdie? 🤔

Winnie | 8:30pm
Ok a 6'1 birdie named after the dude from Catcher in the Rye who couldn't keep his mouth shut 🤷‍♀️
Winnie | 8:30pm
Winnie | 8:31pm
Also thank you I won the bet bc of you ❤❤❤

Me | 8:31pm
Me | 8:32pm
I knew he would end up telling you 😂
Me | 8:32pm
What bet btw?

Winnie | 8:32pm
Wes and I might''e started a lil bet
Winnie | 8:33pm
The night we all went out 🙈
Winnie | 8:33pm
And we might've gotten most people from the internship in on it...

Me | 8:35pm
Dude no fucking way 😂😂😂
Me | 8:36pm
What was the bettt

Winnie | 8:37pm
There was a lot of variables
Winnie | 8:37pm
Different details
Winnie | 8:38pm
I was the only one who put money on Holden asking you out within a month of the night out and you saying yes
Winnie | 8:38pm
Scored 200 bucks ❤❤❤

Me | 8:39pm
Aw that's cute
Me | 8:39pm
I better get at least some of that money 😊

Winnie | 8:41pm
I'll go to the bakery tomorrow and get the sandwich for you tomorrow!!!

Me | 8:42pm
omg I wasn't being serious but thank you!!

Winnie | 8:43pm
Anything ❤
Winnie | 8:43pm
Now spill the tea girl!!

Holden Bradfield | 2:28pm
Meet you at yours at 7?

Me | 2:31pm
Can we do 6 instead?
Me | 2:31pm
I want to get a lot of sleep for tomorrow hahaha it's study day

Holden Bradfield | 2:33pm
Absolutely 😁
Holden Bradfield | 2:34pm
Same place where I dropped you off?

Me | 2:35pm
Me | 2:35pm
First floor, apartment B
Me | 2:35pm
My roommate is away for the weekend so if nobody opens, just give me a call 😊

Holden Bradfield | 2:36pm
Will do!

Winnie | 5:23pm
Have fun on the date girl ❤❤

Me | 5:27pm
Thanks!! ❤

Virgin Mary | 8:29pm
don't forget about the box of condoms behind the telly!!! 😘

'Hi! One second. Tom, I'm on the phone to Addie and—'

'Hi Addie!'

'What's up, Tom?'

'Tom, can you give us a second?'

'Just leave me on speak—'

'I'm not leaving you on speaker! This is a best friend matter, Tom.'

'But I wanna know.'

'You can tell him later, Marianne.'

'Okay, Addie says I can tell if you won't be a pestering little bitch. I'll come back once I'm finished. Okay, I'm alone.'

'Geez, finally.'

'Yeah... So what's up?'

'I'm hiding in his bathroom.'

'You're WHAT now?'

'Shh, don't yell at me.'

'You're being about fifty shades of stupid now, love. Of fuckin' course I am going to yell at you. What's happening?'

'We came here to watch a movie after dinner. He offered to give me a ride home anytime.'

'And you are hiding in the bathroom because...? Addie?'

'I didn't— I don't want to rush into things.'

'Having sex on the first date isn't the devil's work, love. Tom and I did and look at us now!'

'Tom and you crossed the fucking ocean just to shag another Brit. And you argue, like, all the time.'

'Quarter in the jar once you''e home. Another one for being a bitch. Addie, don't shag him if you don't want to.'

'What if I do?'

'Does he?'

'...I think so?'

'Go for it! Oh, wait— What about Drew?'

'WHAT about Drew?'

'Don't you like him?'

'It's not like that, Marianne.'

'I thought we concluded it IS like that.'

'No, I'm— It'd be too complicated. I like Holden. We make a good team. We do the same job, have the same interests, see each other every single day.'

'If you say you like him 'cause he's stable I will—'

'But he is! He's reliable. And the thing is, with him, I get flutters and all. Excited. I like the idea of working with him all the time. With Drew, everything's just very calm and not exciting. So that's us being just friends. ...Marianne?'

'Go for it, then. If you like Holden, go for it.'

'You sure?'

'Mon Dieu, Addie, it's your bloody life. Shag him or not. Propose to him if you will, just make up your bloody mind. You've got to start living your life, gal. Things shouldn't consist of a ten-year plan. Shake it up, love!'

'Okay. Thanks. I'll see what I'll do.'

'You're welcome, bitch.'

'Tell Tom I said hi!'

'Yeah, I will, go start living already!'

'Marianne, you are being—'

uhhh sooooo like yeah

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