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Me | 6:12pm
Hey! Do you know where most people are meeting up?

Winnie O'Connell | 6:12pm
I've got no clue but Holden Wes and Marea are coming to mine at 6:30 and we're leaving a little after 7, Wes isn't drinking. You can come with us!! The more the merrier 🥰

Me | 6:13pm
That sounds great!! Thank youuu

Winnie O'Connell | 6:13pm
No problem girl ❤
Winnie O'Connell | 6:13pm
You remember where I live right?

Me | 6:14pm
Yep! I should be there a in 25-30

Winnie O'Connell | 6:14pm
Can't wait to see you!! 😘

Me | 6:15pm
You too 😊

Addie leaves the flat looking—hopefully—decent enough for a night out with colleagues. She's aware of the fact that all these people have been on a fair share on nights out together by now, and she's not entirely sure about the dress code, but she went with what seemed the most appropriate – a deep, dark green tube top and a matching high-waisted skirt, with a stylish leather jacket Marianne let her steal for the night. She managed to stuff all her belongings into the jacket's pockets, even the strawberry-scented tinted chapstick that Marianne forced to take, even if her lips are too dark for the chapstick's light pink to make the slightest difference.

  The Uber picks her up and leaves her at Winnie's address shortly after forty past six, just like she planned. Addie stands in front of the tall, expensive-looking building feeling insufferably small, despite her height and the platform shoes that are currently making her stand even taller. She smooths out the nonexistent creases on her skirt and tells herself she's freaking out over nothing, then rings the bell.

  Winnie lets her in within a moment and a minute later, the elevator has taken her to the top floor.

  Addie stands in front of the entrance door, and hesitates.

  The first and only time she's ever been to Winnie O'Connell's apartment was on the very first week of the internship. Their bosses were still trying to see whom Addie would work the best with, and Winnie was the first who had a case that involved economic matters that Winnie, as a recent lawyer, couldn't do on her own. They spent the evening at hers, working through the case until they cracked it with enough Indian takeout to keep them going.

  Winnie might've been the first person to offer her friendship, yet Addie refused it in favour of a strictly professional relationship she'd deemed necessary to work on that case, and any other. She's lucky that Winnie doesn't hold grudges and didn't even act as if it was out of the ordinary when Addie asked to join one of their nights out.

  Finally, with a deep breath, Addie knocks.

  Winnie opens the door with a bright smile on her face. She's taller than usual, sporting a pair of high heels that are a few inches taller than her usual attie, combined with a little black dress that accentuates her curves in all the good ways; Addie's first thought is that Marianne would like this dress. Her second thought is that she nailed the dress code.

  'Addison, hi!' Winnie pulls her into a tight hug, smelling of a warm floral perfume. 'I'm glad you're here, we're just about to start a little drinking game.'

  Addie smiles. 'That sounds great.'

  The girl moves to the side and lets her in. The door shuts with a click and Winnie's heels make nearly the same sound across the wooden floor as she leads Addie into the apartment. She stops at the end of the hallway, right where it expands into what Addie recalls to be a massive living room.

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