I have to get home. Like NOW!

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*Charlie Pov*

“Diagon Alley!” I spoke before letting go of the powder. I brushed off the dust from my cloak as I kept my hood drawn, and over my eyes. I can’t afford any muggles here noticing who I am. I took a quick peep at my acceptance letter and headed to the book store for my books for fourth year. Walking in to the crowded bookstore of Flourish and Blotts, I walked around the shelves until I found my two books that I required. Getting up on my toes I reached up and grabbed. The standard book of Spells (Grade 4) though Dumbledore had been teaching my grade 7. And I also grabbed The Dark Force: A guide to Self-protection.

Smiling to myself, I walked over to the counter and payed with my money I had gotten from the Gringotts Wizarding Bank. I checked my list I only needed to get my uniform, a dress robe and other equipment. I walked casually to Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions. I loved Diagon Alley as I walked inside and saw her selling to another Hogwart Student who looked rather nervous with her father. They looked nothing alike, until I saw the mother. She definitely looked like her mother, red hair and green eyes. I shook my head to pay attention as I got my uniform organized.

I ticked things as I went. Three Sets of Plain Work Robes (Black). Tick. One Plain Pointed Hat (Black) for day wear. Tick.  One Pair of Protective Gloves (dragon hide or similar). Tick. One Winter Cloak (Black, silver fastenings). Tick. The standard book of Spells (Grade 4) by Miranda Goshawk. Tick. The Dark Force: A guide to Self-protection. Tick. Dress robes? Well I had plenty of that at home. I am a princess for Merlin Sake. I felt a bit hungry as I walked over to Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour. I smiled as the cold ice cream ran down my throat. It tasted so good.

I spent the rest of the morning grabbing my quill, parchment paper and everything else I needed. I was really happy when I got my broomstick and what I need to play Quidditch. I really loved playing. Madam Hooch had taught me to play, as part of my broomstick flying lessons. Though back then I wasn’t allowed my own broom. Incase my mother caught on to the magic. The last thing I needed was to get a pet. As much as I loved the owls in the pet shops. I wonder how I would be able to explain to my mother I had an owl. Besides it’s not like she will send me letters.

I had a look at the cats, until I stopped when I saw this one: wallpaper.wallpedia.org/20_~_Cute_baby_kitten.htm

He was so cute. I picked him up as I went to the counter and payed for him. Hmmm now all I needed was a name for him.

“I’ll call you Apollo” I smiled. He was skipping around my ankles as I had no clue what the time was. The one day I don’t have a watch. I grumbled, maybe I could ask somebody. I saw the family I saw leaving the robe shop before. I casually walked over, as I saw the father check his watch. I tapped him on the shoulder. My hood drawn, to prevent them from seeing my face. He turned round to face me.

“Sorry to disturb you sir. But what’s the time?” I asked politely as he just smiled.

“About four in the afternoon” He smiled as I felt myself freeze on the spot. OH NO! The guests would be arriving at six. I need to be ready by five thirty by the latest.

“Thank you” I called out as I began running. I had to get home fast. I turned the corner only to trip over something, as everything I was carrying fell out of my hands. I groaned as rubbed my forehead. I picked up my glasses, as I turned to see a black wolf/dog shaking as it got up. I widened my eyes, I was about to scream just as he transformed and covered my mouth. I was frightened eventually he helped me up, as I put all my books into my never ending bag.

“You’re an animagus” I spoke as he just nodded.

“Sirius Black, sorry about that” He chuckled, he must have been at least forty. I just gave a weak smile.

“Where are your parents?” He asked me, as I gulped.

“I uhh I came alone” I spoke as he frowned.

“I don’t wish to be rude, but do you know where I can get out. I think I took the wrong turn” I spoke as he nodded, he lead me back to the main square. As I soon realized I didn’t have my hood up. I reach to grab it just as the family I spoke to before walked over. I gulped.

“Hey I’m Harry Potter” The boy greeted me as I just smiled and shook his hand. He frowned.

“Have I seen you before?” He asked, as I gulped.

“No sorry. I gotta go” I stammered before picking up Apollo and I apparated. Why did I think of it before? I found myself in my bedroom. I quickly had a bath, washed my hair. I used my wand, and made my hair dry. I looked in the mirror; normally I have servants doing my hair and what not. But I gave them the day off. I pointed my wand to my hair as it dried and was styled perfectly. I pointed to my face murmured a small spell as my makeup was done. I must admit I looked beautiful. I quickly got dressed, and used my wand to do me up at the back.

Just as I was about to leave I realized I still had my shoes on. Running back I grabbed a pair of heels. Before leaving my wand on my dressing table and running towards the entrance hall. Before I walked down the stairs I fitted on my shoes, as I gracefully walked down to see my mother waiting, elegantly dressed. I curtsied to her when I reached the bottom of the steps.

“It will do. Come, our guests will arrive soon” Her way of soon being an hour.

How I was dressed: [Ball-Gown-Wedding-Dresses-3]

Hair: [hairideawedding]

Eyes: [eyemakeup-smile]

Lips: [home-made-lip-gloss]

Shoes: [high%2520heels]

Crown: [Silver_Royal_Tiara_DT011]

Necklace: [lleviev-fancy-pink-and-white-diamond-necklace]

Earings: cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/2/0/0/33/3/AAAAAiEAslsAAAAAADM4FA.jp...

I took a deep breath, as I calmly waited standing beside my mother for our guests to arrive. Typically King Jones Smith Connor Andrews VI and Queen Mary Tiffany Ruth Sarah Andrews arrived earlier than the other guests with their four sons. As we were introduced I curtsied to the Queen before we kissed each other’s cheek. I curtsied to the King, then Connor. I gave a small smile, as he kissed my hand. Our parents had forced me to live with their family for a year so we could break the ice. It did, I feel like I am a part of their family more than with the mother I have. I have come to like Connor, but maybe more as a brother….

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