My father is a what!!!!!!!!

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*Charlie Pov*

The ball had been going on forever. I sighed as I sipped on some punch. I had danced with the King twice, twelve times with Connor, and about twenty times with different Lords and Princes. I was exhausted as I had a smile on my face. My ankles were killing me, from these heels as well as having the clumsy klutz Prince Gèorge from France, kept stepping on my feet. Prince Connor walked over and grabbed some punch as we just stood silently.

"You look beautiful this evening Princess" he complimented as I smiled.

"Thank you" he smiled as he took my hand. Placing my cup on the table he led me out of the ballroom and out towards the gardens under the stars. It was beautiful out here at night especially in the winter.

"What are we doing out here?" I asked slightly confused.

“I just had to get away from all the commotion" he spoke truthfully as we sat on one of the stoned benches.

"I honestly will kill to get out of these heels" I laughed as I took them off. I sighed with relief with pressure finally off.

"Why do you wear them if they hurt" he asked as I gave the are-you-kidding-me face.

"I'm a princess I can't go to a ball wearing converse though I would be in heaven" I teased as we laughed and just enjoyed the outdoors. We walked all along the gardens got lost in the maze for a long time before we made our way back to the ball where they were still dancing. I was exhausted beyond anything. I had to pinch myself several times to keep myself from falling asleep as my assistant Sarah, stood holding her clipboard and smiling. I casually walked over to her, as I stood with my back to her. I gently turned my head to the right as I saw her smirk.

“Sarah, how much longer do I have left?” I asked her as I smiled and nodded to the subjects that pasted by me.

“Only another hour your Majesty” She spoke as I blew out a deep breath. Great a whole another hour to kill.


I kept looking up at the clock, every few minutes; I drank my first glass of champagne with tiny sips, as I snuck a bite to eat of the cake. The icing tasted so well, as I smiled to having the sweetness melt in my mouth. I got a tap on my shoulder, as I turned round to see a smirking little Joshua.

“I saw that” He laughed as I raised an eyebrow and knelt down towards his height, with my dress poofing outwards.

“It will be our little secret” I told him as I placed my finger against lips and winked. He laughed before running off. I smiled as I got back to my feet; I fiddled with my white gloves as I made sure they sat above my elbows. Mother was very fussy about these things.  After dancing some more the classical music finally stopped as I was cheering so hard on the inside, but on the outside I just clapped to the band and gave a small smile of kindness. I said my final goodbyes before I excused myself from my mother’s presence and went up to my room. I grabbed my wand from the dressing table as I pointed it towards my door.

"Colloportus" I spoke as I heard it lock the door with an odd twisting sound. I shrugged as I waved my wand.

"Silencio" I spoke as I silenced my room from being heard. I went over to my computer opened my iTunes and began to listen to One Directions new album. Take me Home. I wished this wasn’t my home, and I had a place where I could happily say, I want to go home to this place.

I have met One Direction before and I really liked them. They were all polite, fun and really awesome guys to hang out with.  They were probably the only people to see my side. Not the proper Princess that was brought up. But the real me, the Charlie and free, happy girl inside. As I took off my makeup I danced around my room and sang happily. Not to boast but I had a really great voice. It was a shame I had to be super private about it. I put my hair up in messy bun on the top of my head as I had a soothing bubble bath to remove my stress. 

I got changed in to PJ's:

I jumped onto my bed and lay down, before I waved my wand and the music stopped. It was pitch black when the light went out. I rolled over, and closed my eyes. I took in a deep breath, before rolling back over. I couldn’t sleep and it was like three in the morning. I groaned as I tried to get myself to sleep when my body was telling me to stay awake. I felt like I was being watched, as I grabbed my wand from the bed side table.

“Lumos” I whispered as light flickered from my wand. I loved my wand. It was elegant and beautifully crafted. 7 inches, holly and rosewood with phoenix feather core. It was a cherry red brown colour, as I got up from my bed, and paced back and forth four times, until the brick disappeared. I walked into my secret chamber, as I waved my wand to seal me inside. I grabbed the parchment map from my draw, as I opened it, it was blank. I pointed my wand to the center of the paper, and made a C.

“As the Crown, I swear I am up to no good and mischief” I whispered under my breath. I felt like I was being watched, as the ink slowly burned onto the paper. I smirked as I placed my light above the map. I could see the guards patrolling around the grounds. Then I saw a pair of feet and a name I didn’t recognize. Another pair and then another pair. Soon there were four pairs of feet creeping around on the gardens not far from my bedroom, even though I am on the fourth floor. I glanced over at my trunk, fully packed ready for Hogwarts not tomorrow but the day after.

I turned myself back to map only to notice the four feet weren’t near me anymore. I frowned as I saw them walking and stopping outside my mother’s office. I pushed my cabinet to the side. As I ran down the corridor and found myself in the walls to my mother’s study. I saw my mother sitting down in her chair perfectly calm, as I saw her talking with a centaur! I rubbed my eyes this can’t be right. But it was right in front of me!

“Chiron, you warned me of this day. How do you suggest I fix my problem?” She asked him as he spoke. He sounded so wise. WAIT! This is Chiron? The one who knows my father!

“I suggest you let us take her to America. She needs to be trained” He proposed. Trained? Trained for what! A war? I frowned to myself as I just listened.

“NO! I refuse to take her out of the country. It will lead to questions in the media! I cannot afford that!” She hissed. Typically mother wondering about her own image.

“My Queen. She needs to be able to protect herself. Those monsters won’t stay away because she is royalty” He spoke slightly annoyed. MONSTERS!

“Then guard her. Keep her safe! By any means necessary. But she is not leaving” My mother hissed to him, as she leant across from her desk.

“But her blood she is very powerful sh---“

“I know she is powerful!” She spat.

“You think I don’t know that! I am a pureblood witch and my daughter is a Half-Blood!” She shouted. I went wide eyed. My mother is a witch!

“Does she know she is half a witch?” He asked her

“No. I haven’t used any of my magic. I never learnt it, because I have no care for it!” She spoke slightly disgusted. Wow she is totally blind. She doesn’t think I know when I am using magic right under her nose.

“You do know your Majesty. She has no mortal blood in her. That makes her ever more powerful” He spoke. Wait no mortal blood! So my father was a magical being too. My head was hurting but I needed to know what they were talking about.

“I know, just do your job”

“I will do my best, along with my team. I must warn you. Being a witch and a daughter of a God will make monsters want to attack her even more” He warned before bowing and leaving my mother in peace. I slowly slid down the wall. Daughter of a God! I quickly picked myself up before running to my chamber. I moved the cabinet to hide the doorway. I looked back at the map and noticed that Chiron and three others were guarding my door. Two sets of feet peeping in at my windows. PERFECT! No privacy and I thought the paparazzi were bad!

Well these guys, are in for a treat! I am breaking out of here. I will stay at the leaky cauldron for tomorrow then I can leave for the Hogwarts Express the day after. I grabbed my trunk, as it was heavy. I placed it in my never ending bag. It was difficult but I managed to get it in. I put the map away and watched the ink fade. I grabbed hold of Apollo in his cage sleeping. I gently placed him in my bag, for I didn’t want him to get hurt. I quietly entered back into my room, and let my chamber seal itself before I ran towards my wardrobe….

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