I'm Hermione Granger

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*Charlie Pov*

I woke up to Apollo licking my face. I giggled as stretched in bed. I was going to Hogwarts tomorrow. I was soooooo excited. I couldn’t help but have the brightest smile on my face. I had a quick shower and got changed into this: polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=63712876

I fed Apollo, before I swung my cloak on and drew my hood before I made my way downstairs to the pub and ordered some breakfast. I ate in the corner, as I was able to see those who came in and I was able to watch everyone. I got a few glances as I just ate silently. My eyes were drawn to a girl that walked in; she had bushy hair, as she ordered some food. I saw her look around and saw there no free spots, unless you sat opposite me. I watched her walk over; I casually pulled the edge of my hood down further as I ate in silence.

“May I sit here?” She asked as I just nodded. She seemed really nice, maybe she goes to Hogwarts. But she beat me to the question.

“Do you go to Hogwarts? I haven’t seen you before. Well that’s probably because I haven’t seen your face” She asked as she tried to get a glimpse of my face, but I just hide it further.

“Okay” She spoke. I nodded as she smiled.

“I go to Hogwarts too, I’m in fourth year, what year are you?” She asked me, as I put a number four with my fingers. She clapped happily.

“You must be new, I’m Hermione Granger” She introduced as she held out her hand for me to shake it. I hesitated as her smile fell.

“Is there a problem?” She asked me bitterly, as I sighed and pulled out a pen and pad. I wrote a quick message to her and push it forward.

Not to be rude, but are you a muggle?

She frowned then looked back up at me.

“I am, so what?” She asked, as I sighed. Then I took the pad back and wrote again.

Are there many muggles in Hogwarts?

“I guess” She spoke disgustingly. Great, I can stay hidden people will know who I am. I felt bad, as she just picked up her tray and walked off. She seemed so nice, as I got up slowly and made my way upstairs. I saw her enter the room next to me, she gave me a small glare as I just sighed and locked the door behind me. I paused as something snatched my attention. A mortal newspaper? Running over I glanced at the front page to see a photo of me happily dancing with Prince Connor at the party with the caption.

‘Royal Disappearance attends Schooling ’

The rumors and concerns of the disappearance of Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Gabriella Peyton Grace Alexandria are finally out for the public. It was spoken earlier this morning, at the announcement from Her Majesty Queen Faith Autumn Hope Charlotte Madeline Alexandria. It is said that the Princess, is to be attending private boarding school tuition for her as preparation of becoming Queen of England. Sources add that this is the same boarding school that her betrothed Prince Connor Henry William Jayden Andrews attends. The romance between the two love birds blooming as they are said to come back to England in love.

I scoffed, but I hesitated, did Prince Connor actually go to Hogwarts? If he did I was screwed! I continued to read.

The disappearance of our Princess was first noticed from her sudden absence in Parliament only this morning, and her absence at the opening ceremony of the guard. It was most peculiar, considering our beloved Princess was never late, always punctual, and an angel.

“Princess Charlotte is unfortunately suffering from an illness, and we have our best doctors treating for her health being” Is the only thing the Queen told us sympathetically. Our prayers and thoughts on the Princess returning to a healthy mind, for her to be able to attend to our country.

I laughed, mother’s words made her sound caring, when actually the newspaper just made me sound like a sweet, innocent, fragile thing.  I heard my stomach grumble, as I checked the time. Lunch already?!?! Oh well, I pulled up my hood and went back to the pub, and got myself some lunch. I sat in my corner seat, eating as I pulled the newspaper out and began to read from where I had left off.

Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Gabriella Peyton Grace Alexandria was said to have made her own announcement on her departure from our country, at the House of Parliament, in four days time. Though, due to the disappearance of her presence in our country, the news was broadcasted by Queen Faith Autumn Hope Charlotte Madeline Alexandria.

“I know how much my darling Charlotte, wanted to be able to present herself before the Lords of Parliament. Due to certain situations of sickness falling over her. The Doctors have informed me that she would not recover soon enough for her speech at the House of Parliament, and asks them to excuse herself from her throne, as I will being taking her place at Parliament in the days to come…” From a reliable source, it is said she would be leaving in a week to her new school; however the location or name is unaccountable.

I raised an eyebrow as I drank on my hot chocolate. I peeped over my newspaper, no one noticed me, as I saw the Pub fill up quickly as Lunch went on. I shrugged and dug my head behind the paper, until I heard a rough cough. I looked up to see an annoyed Hermione Granger. I pointed to the spare chair as she rolled her eyes and sat down before staring at my newspaper.

“You’re a muggle?” She asked me. I shook my head. Then she pointed to the newspaper.

“Then why do you have muggle newspaper?” She asked me as I just sighed. I bit down on my lip. Maybe I should just tell her, I hesitantly drew my finger slowly to the picture of me as she raised an eyebrow.

“What about Princess Charlotte?” She asked me, and I winced to hear my proper name, as I took of my glasses, and then slowly drew back my hood as she gasped. I gave a weak smile, before placing my glasses on. She was staring at me.

“I am the Princess, but call me Charlie please. I hate Charlotte.” I spoke softly holding out a hand as she shook it. Still gaping at me. I raised my hood up, but it allowed Hermione to see my face.

“Are you going to say anything?” I asked her as she shook her head back to reality.

“How are you a witch?” She asked me slightly shocked as I shrugged.

“I’m a Half Blood” I whispered before she returned her attention to the newspaper.

“It says you’re sick in Buckingham Palace” She asked.

“My mother covering my tracks after I ran away so I could go to Hogwarts”

“Doesn’t your mother care about you?”

“Nope” I popped my P as I drank my hot chocolate.

"Do you like to be a Princess?" She asked me as I shook my head.

"No. Not really, I hate a few things, scratch that I hate everything about it really. Everyone telling me what to do, how to behave." I sighed as she justed nodded as if she knew what I meant.

"Does Connor go to Hogwarts?" I asked her as she shook her head.

"Nope. He doesn't go to Hogwarts, so your secret is safe" She winked as I laughed.

“Sorry if I was rude before” I muttered as she just smiled.

“That’s ok. I think we will become great friends” She smiled as I smiled back. Hermione was right, we spent the entire day together, and I already felt like we were the best of friends in the entire world. It was getting late, as I said goodnight to Hermione and got changed into my PJs, before I kissed Apollo goodnight. He snuggled into my neck, as I stroked his fur and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

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