guys like you, don't get a girl's like me

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*Charlie Pov*

I woke up so excited. I was going to Hogwarts today. I squealed as I jumped on my bed up and down before I went and had a quick shower. I washed my hair and blow dried it dry.




I slipped on my glasses, put up my hood of my cloak as I place Apollo on my shoulder, as he balanced whilst sleeping. I grabbed my trunk, which was heavy as I made my way downstairs to where Hermione waited with her cat. Crookshanks. We smiled, as we turned onto the muggle streets, I had my hood raised over my face, as I whistled for a cab. I stayed quiet the whole journey on our way to King’s Cross. It was bucketing down with rain, as we grabbed our trunks and made our way into the station.

We got to platform nine and ten as I frowned, I watched as Hermione ran through. I gasped before I smirked. This is going to be so fun. I ran towards the brick wall as I passed through easily to see myself onto platform nine and three-quarters by now. The Hogwarts Express, a gleaming scarlet steam engine, was already there, clouds of steam billowing from it, through which the many Hogwarts students and parents on the platform appeared like dark ghosts. I made my way across the platform, until I got inside and found myself an empty compartment. I took down my hood as Apollo slept happily on the seats as I stowed my luggage in a compartment halfway along the train.

I sat down as I watched Hermione talk to a red headed boy and his family. I saw the boy, Harry Potter and his family wave goodbye as I sighed. I didn’t have a family like that. My mother hated me, she wanted nothing to do with me, she could not stand my living existence.

*Harry Pov*

“Hey Hermione, have a good hols?” I asked her as she smiled, as she walked over to us.

“Hey Harry, yeah I did. Hey Heather ready to start first year? Hey Charlie” She smiled as she hugged my younger sister Heather. Heather was so nervous.

"I might be seeing you all sooner than you think," said Charlie, grinning, as he hugged Ginny good-bye.

"Why?" said Fred keenly.

"You'll see," said Charlie. "Just don't tell Percy I mentioned's 'classified information, until such time as the Ministry sees fit to release it,' after all."

"Yeah, I sort of wish I were back at Hogwarts this year," said Bill, hands in his pockets, looking almost wistfully at the train.

"Why?" said George impatiently.

"You're going to have an interesting year," said Bill, his eyes twinkling. "I might even get time off to come and watch a bit of it."

"A bit of what?" said Ron.

But at that moment, the whistle blew, and Mrs. Weasley chivvied us toward the train doors. I gave my mum and dad a final goodbye hug before I happily got on the train. Ron and I followed after Hermione who was skipping away as she opened a compartment.

*Charlie Pov*

I watched as Hermione skipped into my compartment, I smiled as I stared out the window. I heard the door open as I saw the red headed boy and Harry walk in. They shuffled awkwardly.

“Hey I remember you, from Diagon Alley” Harry smiled as I shook his hand.

“Charlie Alexandria” I smiled, as he sat down beside me.

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