This just backfired.

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*Charlie Pov*

“I will do my best, along with my team. I must warn you. Being a witch and a daughter of a God will make monsters want to attack her even more” He warned before bowing and leaving my mother in peace. I slowly slid down the wall. Daughter of a God! I quickly picked myself up before running to my chamber. I moved the cabinet to hide the doorway. I looked back at the map and noticed that Chiron and three others were guarding my door. Two sets of feet peeping in at my windows. PERFECT! No privacy and I thought the paparazzi were bad!

Well these guys, are in for a treat! I am breaking out of here. I will stay at the leaky cauldron for tomorrow then I can leave for the Hogwarts Express the day after. I grabbed my trunk, as it was heavy. I placed it in my never ending bag. It was difficult but I managed to get it in. I put the map away and watched the ink fade. I grabbed hold of Apollo in his cage sleeping. I gently placed him in my bag, for I didn’t want him to get hurt. I quietly entered back into my room, and let my chamber seal itself before I ran towards my wardrobe.

I quickly got changed into this:

Placed my hood up and had my cloak on:

My glasses, on, wand steady in my hand. I had to be cautious; I knew my bodyguard was a wizard from eavesdropping. However I don’t think anyone else in the palace was. Guess my mother didn’t want any magical being what’s so ever come to the Palace. I suddenly froze, as if my feet were being chewed. My eyes slowly turned as I could see a shape from the light through my curtains. The person out there was not human. I don’t scream, don’t scream. I just watched it as I slowly made myself towards the fireplace.

“I can’t believe that we have to babysit a Princess” A voice spoke from outside in the corridor. As I frowned.

“We promised Chiron” A boy’s voice spoke softly. I heard a slighty snarl.

“I could be working on my reconstruction plans for Olympus. But NOOOOO we have to be here at Buckingham Palace” The girl growled again as I froze. Olympus!!!! As in the place where Greek Gods live. OMG! I am a daughter of one of the Greek Gods! Are you flipping serious!! I shook my head. Stay focus Charlie, I got to get out of here!

“This is so boring. Like anything is going to happen to pathetic Princess” The girl snarled, as I snapped my head towards the door. Fine then! She wants to play it like that. I can give her some excitement. How about I run away the harder way, instead of using the Floo Powder. I drew my wand. I walked over to one of the windows that was four down from where the monster outside was.

“OUCH!” A sad voiced shouted, as I gasped and heard the window open wide to see the monster fall in. There lay a Cyclops. OMG! OMG!

“Tyson are you alright!” The boy shouted, as he and the girl opened the door to my room. The girl had blonde hair and grey eyes, holding a knife. The boy had brown hair as he held a bronze sword. They ran forwards towards me, as I waited, he swung his sword as I just forward flipped over his head as they gasped and turned to face me though, I was already at the door. Closing it behind me I quickly pulled out my wand.

“Colloportus” I muttered as it locket shut. Preventing them from getting out of my room. Putting my wand in my pocket I ran, I avoided the guards patrolling, as I soon got to the third floor. I could hear them coming, as I stopped at the vase of fake coloured roses.

“The crown is up to no good and mischief, passage way open to my call. Charlie” I whispered, as I turned the vase clockwise. The wall moved as I slipped into the walls. As soon as I was in, it quickly shut behind me as I held my breath and watched them run past. I made my way through the walls, down corridors, up stairs, making my way. Until I found myself outside. I pushed a brick as I was soon out in the night. I smiled until I shrieked as I turned to see a sword at the tip of my throat. I gulped as I backed away until I bumped into the Cyclops. I jumped as he grabbed my arms. They ripped back my hood, as the boy raised an eyebrow.

“Let’s take her to Chiron. He will want a word with you trouble maker before we disturb the Queen” He spoke annoyed, as I tried to get out of the Cyclops grip. He only tightened and I winced. It wasn’t long until we slowly walked down the halls of the Palace. I had my head hung down, as the boy knocked on the door.

“Enter” A voice called as we walked in to the guest bedroom. An older man in a wheelchair rubbed his eyes sleepily, as I was thrown to the floor. I hissed, as I got up and brushed off the dirt from myself.

“You don’t have to be so rough” I muttered. As Chiron narrowed his eyes at me.

“Why is she here?” He asked them.

“We found her running from the Princesses Chambers.” The girl reported, as I huffed. The man raised an eyebrow before turning to me.

“Care to explain yourself child?” He asked me.

“Well it’s not exactly like I am allowed to leave this place.” I muttered as I hugged my arms, looking at the wall. The others frowned, as the man wheeled so I would look at him.

“Do you know who my father is?” I asked him sadly, as he leaned back in his chair.

“Child take no offense to them, they didn’t know. As for your father, it’s not my place” He spoke as I looked down at the ground.

“We didn’t know what Chiron?” The boy asked.

“Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Tyson meet the Princess Charlotte” He introduced, however I didn’t look at them. I wanted to know about my father as I heard them gasp behind me. I slowly walked towards the wall, as I turned and faced them. My back against the wall with my hands against my back. I found the brick as it was cold under my touch.

“She is the Princess!” The girl shouted.


“But Chiron, why would she run away!” The boy shouted.

“The crown is up to no good and mischief, passage way open to my call. Charlie” I whispered under my breath. They weren’t paying any attention to me which was fine. Chiron’s head perked in my direction, as I bit down on my lip.

“I’m sorry” I spoke softly as the wall behind me vanished. I quickly ran down the corridor as it shut after me. I could hear them pounding against the wall. I grabbed my wand and focused on the leaky Cauldron. I soon apparated to the leaky Cauldron. I drew up my hood as I walked in; the witch looked up at me.

“One room please” I spoke as I handed her the money. She nodded and handed me a key, as I made my way through the Leaky Cauldron.

*Percy Pov*

Dad, help me find the Princess. I don’t want Chiron to get in trouble for our mistake. I prayed to my father as I felt worried. Let her be Percy. You and Chiron and the others are to stay out. He warned me as I frowned. I told Chiron as he nodded and left the room.

*Charlie Pov*

Inside the pub, it was dark and shabby, with a bar and a number of tables in the shadows of the corners. In stark contrast to the grubby downstairs of the pub, there were some unexpectedly pleasant rooms upstairs. I made my way up the handsome wooden staircase. The stairs come out on the right wall where two sitting areas containing red couch and chairs were nestled in each corner on this side. The front wall had a stage with red curtains in front of a lowered viewing area. The back wall was blank, but the left wall had another red sitting area, and a bar.

I opened my door to Room 11. The room was on the first floor which had a comfortable double bed in the middle, highly polished oak furniture, a window to the left and a fireplace in the wall. It was old and dusty, but that was fine. I was used to rich and luxurious but I was happy to be in a different environment. Being rich and having luxury was too much. I pulled out my trunk from my bag, and Apollo, who was still sleeping. I kissed his fur and placed him on my bed; I put my bag in my trunk, before I climbed into bed, and instantly feel asleep.

Goodnight Charlie. You have a big day ahead of you. A voice spoke in my mind. I must be going mad, though the deep calming voice sounded so familiar. I couldn’t think. As the sweet dreams swept my from my feet.

*Percy Pov*

It was early in the morning, as we were leaving Buckingham Palace. We had told the Queen we were sent back to Olympus on urgent buisness, as she let us go. The Queen frightened me. I wouldn't be surprised if the Princess wanted to run away from a mother like her. We hadn't told her about the Princess, as i am guessing she will realise probably next morning that she is gone....

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