A brand new life

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Barbra had a new routine she would drop of Violet at school then head to work Violet would be picked up by Barry (flash) then when Barbra was done with work she would go to Flashes house and get Violet then they would head home.

Barbra did feel bad for bothering Barry but he would always say it was nothing.

Right now Barbra was picking up Violet from Barry's house "as always it was a pleasure to have her here Barbra Asva loves having her here"Barry said "I know I just really feel bad having you get out of your Busy schedule"Barbra told him "Hey I love having her here and I'm not busy that much anymore also your my best friend I will always help you even when your having a rough time"Barry said.

Barbra smiled and hugged Barry before going into her car and driving off.

"Mommy I'm hungry can we go get some food"Violet whined "ok Violet but then we go straight home mommy has paper work to do"Barbra said to her daughter "Yay thank you mommy"Violet thanked her mother.

Barbra stopped at McDonald's as they walked in you could hear the laughter of children and people talking.

She walked up into a line "Barbra is that you?"A female voice called behind her she turned around to see a familiar women with blue hair "Diana is that you?"Barbra asked "oh Barbra it's been so long sense we last spoke how have you been"Diana (Wonder Woman)asked.

You see Barbra and the rest of the super hero girl went there separate ways sense they needed to work on there own jobs and hero work of course they would meet up but not as much as they used to "I've been great though things have been a little rough the past few months but how is life going for you?"Barbra asked "oh they are going great me and Steve got married and had a little girl named Willow here let me show you a picture"Diana told Barbra.

Diana Took out her phone and showed Barbra a picture of a little 5 year old girl she had light blue hair and blue eyes she almost looked exactly like Diana.

"She's looks lovely Diana"Barbra told her "mommy come on the line is over"Violet whined "oh and who is this little girl"Diana asked "I'm Violet Wayne!" Violet said "Wayne you mean like Bruce Wayne!" Diana said shocked "yeah"I said sadly "you mean bat man"she whispered "yep I married him" Btold her sadly "Ah I'm proud of you Barbra you believed you would meet him and you did but there was something more in there and look at you now married with a child"Diana said "yeah but not really" I told her "what do you mean?"Diana asked "we got a divorce a few months ago"I told her.

"Oh Barbra I'm so sorry"Diana apologized "no it's ok um i need to go get food"I told her "ok bye Barbra" Diana said "bye Diana"I said back

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