"Take Me To The Top" ("Llévame A La Cima")

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No sabes, sabes, sabes
Que es una violación,
Todavía te oigo decir,
Qué noche tan perfecta, tan perfecta.

No, no, lucha contra toda tentación, Bueno, en una pelea callejera
De corazones negros, estoy gritando: "Llévame a las alturas esta noche".

Llévame a la cima, llévame a la cima, Llévame a la cima, llévame a la cima, Llévame a la cima, llévame a la cima, Llévame a la cima.

Demasiadas veces
La acusación de la víctima,
No, no tienes que tomarlo así,
Un certero, certero ataque al corazón,
No, no, no, ningún entendimiento,
Bueno, nunca traté bien contigo
Pero todavía te oigo decir.

Llévame a la cima, llévame a la cima, Llévame a la cima, llévame a la cima, Llévame a la cima, llévame a la cima, Llévame a la cima.

Llévame a la cima
(A la cima y tírame),
Llévame a la cima
(A la cima y tírame),
Llévame a la cima
(A la cima y tírame),
Llévame a la cima
(A la cima y tírame).

Llévame a la cima
(A la cima y tírame),
Llévame a la cima
(A la cima y tírame),
Llévame a la cima
(A la cima y tírame),
Llévame a la cima
(A la cima y tírame).


Don't you know, know, know
It's a violation
I still hear you saying
Such a perfect, perfect night.
No, no, no, fight all temptation
Well, in a black-hearted alley fight
I'm screaming. "Take me to the heights tonight"

Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top

Too many times
Victim accusation
No, you don't have to take it like that
A sheer, sheer heart attack
No, no, no, no realization
Well, I never had a way with you
But I still hear you saying

Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top
Take me to the top

Take me to the top
(To the top and throw me off)
Take me to the top
(To the top and throw me off)
Take me to the top
(To the top and throw me off)
Take me to the top
(To the top and throw me off)
Take me to the top
(To the top and throw me off)
Take me to the top
(To the top and throw me off)
Take me to the top
(To the top and throw me off)
Take me to the top
(To the top and throw me off)
Take me to the top.



Violation = Según Cambridge Dictionary es una acción que rompe una ley, un acuerdo, una regla, etc. Se traduce como violación.

Throw off = Significa tirar, quitar, deshacer.

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