chapter twelve

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Kai watched from the branch that she was casually sitting on as her friends made their way through the woods, coming upon a small clearing

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Kai watched from the branch that she was casually sitting on as her friends made their way through the woods, coming upon a small clearing. The light from the morning sun was streaming through the leaves and branches, casting shadows upon her face. She couldn't help but take in the sights, how the leaves have started to turn into soft oranges and yellows, contrasting with the almost dead looking grass that Momo was now prancing in. The change in seasons told her how much time had passed since she joined the group, it had been about a year.

Time really flies when you're constantly running and fighting for your life.

It had been about a day since the events that occurred in the camp of the Southern Water Tribe, and the wounds were still fresh to Kai. She had been distancing herself from the group once again, unwillingly reverting back to her old ways. She turned back into the kind of person she was when she served the Fire Lord, the emotionless killer that she was created to be. It wasn't like Kai was still mad at them, she had forgiven both Sokka and Katara long ago. Though a part of her was still slightly bitter towards the words that were spoken to her by Sokka, even though he had apologized to her multiple times.

The trio was standing by a four- sided notice board, she debated on whether or not she wanted to join them, but in the end she jumped down landing right by Aang.

"The Fire Nation Festival!" Aang said excitedly. "Fire Nation cultural exhibits, jugglers, benders, magicians! This could be a great place for me to learn some real fire-bending!"

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