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You want to know how everything is now? Well I'll tell you...

I'd be wrong to say everything went back to normal.

When I was found, I was severely dehydrated, had a fever of 104°f, was barely holding onto life by a weak, thready pulse and was almost 30lbs underweight. You could see my bones more clearly then anything. When I arrived at the hospital, The doctors were surprised I was even alive with how shallow of a pulse I had. They couldn't even find a vein to begin fluid therapy when the found me, they had to put it inside my jugular vein to my neck. All I can remember are words being thrown around and pain I was in. 

The elements in the place where I was took  a permanent toll on me. It didn't take a medical degree to show that my right leg bone was broken in multiple places; practically snapped in half, on the X-Ray. The dragons bite had shattered it more then it already was and tore the skin open, several layers deep even having some shards of bone poke out. My leg is constantly in pain, and the doctors are debating if they will have to be amputated, as infection had set in by the time I was rescued and was spreading quickly. Physical therapy and medicine can only do so much for someone.
I'm still in recovery, Four months after I was found. Two of those I was hospitalized for...
This physical pain I'm in, I won't be able to do anything in my life, and was begging to be put out of my misery. But of course, the doctors had to spare my life, as "assisted suicide" is illegal in my place where I live, despite my constant plea to be put out of suffering.

But the physical pain it's no where near as bad as the mental scars that's left. I can't be alone, I see Him all the time. I see apparitions of him, feel the attacks that are not there, and constantly have waking nightmare's about him. I've been diagnosed with Insomnia because of this. Never have I gotten a good night's sleep sense coming back.  Waking up, falling asleep, constantly being tired during the day.

I can't even be alone, lest I hear him or see him. My friends constantly see me in pain both physically and mentally, and they noticed right away something was wrong when I returned. I was not my cheerful self, and I constantly looked outward as if looking for something I lost long ago... I didn't want to do anything with them.

Nothing felt right to me, and I wondered if it ever would be again after this traumatic experience. I was gone for a whole month, and everyone thought I had died. Man, did I shock the local news when they found me. Almost the whole state was thrown into panic when I didn't come home and people feared the worst.
My parents almost couldn't believe it was me when police arrived to the door to announce I was alive.
And yet... I STILL don't know what happened that first night... the one when I became lost in that world. It was a thunderstorm and I was trying to run back to my car, but then it blanks.
It bothers me so much, and I feel alone, confused, and depressed...

But... not all things are bad.
My friends all graduated from high school, and I made it back just in time to see them walk across the stage. From there, some went off to collage in places yonder, some stayed close to home, and some stayed and made their own plans.

As for me...
I've been trying to settle into life as best as I can with a permanently damaged leg. I stayed home a lot, played games and rested, but still... nothing ever felt right. I just couldn't ever feel the same as I once did. Nothing cheered me up.

I've been using every ounce of energy I can to find Boltz. That day I was found, I knew I herd Him, and He saved me; I know it. But it's as of they had disappeared from the face of earth. No one knew who I was talking about, and even the family that found me said they only herd the noise, they didn't see where it came from.

I'm more upset at the public, family, and my friends though... People think I was just inside some kind of coma or unconscious for a long time.
But I knew that world was real... No one believed me when I said everything, despite my clear proof of what happened to me. The physical destruction on my body they claim its from elements and wild animals eating what they thought was a dead body.
But their all wrong... just... no one believes me. I'm frustrated at it, I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

And my journal?

Well it came with me. Still though no one listens to me like the stories are real.
That said, I think I'll turn them into a book and publish it. Even if people don't think their real, it would make a nice fantasy story.

And besides, I've noticed a new game coming out soon. Its called "Minecraft" and it looks really cool. It actually looks like the same world I was in before. It makes me wonder if whoever made this game had experienced where I was.

It looks fun, from the trailers and screens shots, it looks promising... it looks like it may become popular enough to be in mainstream media! I think I'll buy it when it comes out...

Wait... what's that...?

In one of the screens shots, there's a person obscured in fog in the background. They had a teal shirt, blue pants, tannish colored skin and-- wait...

Two white eyes?!

It can't be!

Distortions Of The Two Worlds
Coming soon

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