ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2 - ᴍɪssɪᴏɴ #𝟷 ೄྀ࿐

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       "MOM...COULD I GO HANGOUT WITH A CLASSMATE THIS WEEKEND?" I began, staring off to the side. Truthfully, I really hoped that she would say no. That would save me a lot of trouble. But then I would also lose a chance to get closer to her, along with my ride through the final year uninterrupted. "Her name is, Akio.  I hope you won't mind."

"Of course. I'm glad that you made some friends on your first day." She smiled, putting away the clean dishes back into their original spots. "When are you leaving and coming back?  Where're you going?  Is it somewhere far?"

"In the morning and back a-at seven." I answer, twiddling with my fingers. "Were going to the Regionals, hosted somewhere in the middle of town."

'I'll have to make another good impression. But there won't be anything to worry about since there'll be many witnesses at the place too.'

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

       It was nighttime once again. I just finished my shower and crawled into bed. Although, I still wondered about my last dream. Was that person trying to tell me something? Did I see him somewhere before? Your brain can't create humans out of nowhere.

'What was he trying to tell me?'






       My eyes flutter open slowly.  Did I die? Where am I? My eyes wandered the place, soon adjusting to the pitch-black darkness. The ground beneath me felt hard and freezing, maybe metal floors? That's a bad choice for a room though.

       "Hello?" I call out, using this moment as an opportunity to get back on my feet. But what use could that do? I couldn't see anything. "Anyone?"

   Footsteps behind me, booming throughout the blackness like a endless echo of repeated cries. My heart began thundering as a panic surged through me. Was I in a nightmare? Is this the one where I'm going to be chased down in a hallway by a maniac before running out of oxygen and eventually getting killed? A dread twisted in my gut. I wanted to throw up.

Suddenly, a light brighter than the sun pierced my thoughts. I grimaced at the abrupt brilliance, blinding me in the progress as it flashed on. My hands immediately went to shield my eyes. I tucked my head to the side, squeezing my eyes shut.

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