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It was another dreadful day, and Wooyoung was doing nothing but staying at home, carelessly flicking through the TV channels. 

San, on the other hand, had gone to the library. Who knew he was a man of books? Apparently he was looking for books based on something to do with a book called 'The Book Thief'? He had asked is Wooyoung wanted to come with him, saying how it would be a good way to get away from things. But from the looks of it, Wooyoung declined.  

I should've probably gone with him. He thought to himself. His thoughts of how he should've joined San were interrupted by a notification on his phone. He groggily picked up the phone to see a message from Yeosang. What the- His mind was taken over by shock and almost dropped the phone on the floor. 

Yeosang  :)

You're late

What do you mean?

We were supposed to meet at the park,

Oh shit-  The events of yesterday quickly came rolling back into his mind. He had asked him to meet him at the park! He hastily typed something back.

Of course, I remember. 
I'll be right there!

You better be here Wooyoung.

Wooyoung immediately got out of the couch, falling to the ground in the process. But this boy had no time to waste and quickly got up and rushed to his room, putting on a pair of jeans a flowy button-up shirt. He used his hand to pat down his hair and took one last look in the mirror.

"Decent." And with that he snatched his keys of the small table near the door way and ran out, not putting on his shoes properly.

Rather fortunately, the park wasn't so far away, only a few blocks from his house. Meaning if he ran he would get there in time!

He ran through the gates of the park. His face lit up as he saw Yeosang sitting on a bench, waiting. Gotcha.  He ran some more and stopped right in front of Yeosang who had a frown on his face.

"3 minutes late Wooyoung." He said standing up.

"S-sor--ry." The boy breathed out panting. Yeosang chuckled slightly.

"At least put your shoes on properly." Said Yeosang, pointing at Wooyoung's shoes. 

Wooyoung looked down and nodded, kneeling on the ground while doing so. The two stood there for a few seconds, letting Wooyoung catch his breath

"Soo," Began Yeosang, "What was the point of us to meeting here?"

"I just wanted to say sorry," Wooyoung mumbled out.

"I'm sorry I can't hear you?"

"I said I'm sorry!" Shrieked out Wooyoung, looking up to meet Yeosangs eyes, "I'm sorry for lashing out at you that night."

"It's fine." Said Yeosang softly, a smile lighting up on Wooyoungs face. But that smile was soon gone by the words he heard next. "But I still don't get why you hate Irene so much?"

"I don't really wanna talk about her Yeo-" Said Wooyoung bitterly before smiling it off.

"Why no Woo," Started Yeosang

"Yeosang don't do this."

"Why do you hate her so much?,"

"Yeosang stop-"

"Are you jealous?!" Screamed out Yeosang, forgetting that they were in public. Oh well, the park was pretty much empty at the moment.

"Yes!," Yelled back Wooyoung, "Yes I am fucking jealous !"

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