One last diner

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Sara and Barry were seated in one of the couches of the Queen's manor's living room, the speedster gently playing with his fiancé's blond hair

"Remember the time when Oliver and Kara almost caught us doing it in the bunker? I still wonder how Kara didn't hear my heart pounding in my chest"

"What I do wonder, is how we managed to stay hidden in that closet for so long while they made love on the workbench. Those were some of the longest hours of my life!" he laughed

Someone clearing their throat made them look at the entrance, where Ðiggle and Thea were walking into the room from. Sara and Barry straightened their position, not wanting to appear too comfortable in Thea's house.

"Hum" said the short hair brunette as she smiled knowingly at her friends "Roy just got back"

As if on cue, the mentioned walked in the next second, putting an arm around Thea's waist. "Just wanted to say hi" he nodded awkwardly

"Hi" replied the White Canary and her fiancé, making John smile at the little awkwardness in the room

"You know, what always impressed me was how he managed to be the mayor and main vigilante of Star City at the same time and not get discovered," John said as he served everyone a glass wine when they were seated in the living room

"Even though he was always late to his meetings in the morning" Thea smiled

"Oh yeah..." John sighed

"And do you remember the April fool he pulled on everyone at the office by covering every surface of everyone's office with pictures of his faces"

"Also known as the most satisfying moment of my life when Quentin had everyone bring of the pictures back into his office to cover his desk with." John laughed

"And for some mysterious reason, all the vacuums of the building had to go get repaired that day, so he was stuck with a little broom to clean it up!" Thea completed, making everyone laugh

"No, the worst was when he got drunk and decided to repaint the Waverider in green and placed sticking arrows everywhere in Star Labs!" Barry said

"Only to find out later that Kara covered everything in the bunker with House of El's stickers!" Sara recalled

"Oliver's drunken pranks were always my favourites," said a voice from the entrance, making everyone turn around

There, were Tommy and Laurel Merlyn, former residents of Earth-2. John and Thea got up, welcoming them "I should have known this would be redundant" Tommy looked around with a fake sufficient expression

"Well, Tommy." Sara said, putting a hand on the Dark Archer's cheek "At least your beard is never redundant"

"What made you return?" John asked as Sara gave Tommy a hug

"Yeah well..." Laurel clicked her tongue as her sister gave her a hug too "As much as I hate to admit it, you were right"

"Yeah" Tommy nodded "We should honour Oliver's, and Kara's, sacrifice."

"And if the green bastard's time is up, then we really shouldn't miss our chance to bitch at him one last time. Because he, is a fucking jerk sometimes" Laurel added

"He is" agreed the mentioned from behind him, making everyone look at Oliver and Kara arrive, their kids in tow

Tommy and Laurel seemed nervous for a second until Oliver let go of his wife's hand and put each of his on one of their shoulders "But no matter what, he secretly really likes his childhood friends" he said, bringing them both in a hug.

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