S1 E6

26 1 0

Confessional - Loretta

"I've heard a lot of shit, but never have I ever heard about such intense baby mama drama like I did yesterday. Damn, this family has issues. Anyway, we're still on the Blackstone situation so we need dem votes. For now, we're good."

*Cue intro video.*

*Scene cuts to Blaze, who is currently in Gotham City Mall shopping like a boss. Everything's going great, until two armed assassins show up.*

"Where is Blaze Wayne?!"

*Two security guards try to fight the assassins, but they end up getting shot. Blaze is heartbroken by this, so she immediately puts her hands up and walks toward the assassins.*

"I'm Blaze Wayne. Let these innocent people go. Take me instead."

*The assassins try to grab Blaze, but someone shoots them from behind. Blaze looks up to see a boy who looks like Joker and Harley Quinn. She immediately clenches her fists, but the boy puts his weapon away to show that he means no harm. Blaze walks out with the boy to her car.*

"Who are you and why did you save me?"

"The name's Quinzel. Jax Quinzel. I saved you because I couldn't let those assholes kill a pretty girl, now could I?"

"So you only save the pretty girls, Jax?"

"No, I save everyone in general. Trying to make people see I'm not all bad, Blaze."

"I know how you feel, Jax. People judge me just because of my father's reputation as the former playboy of Gotham. I'm sure the press are taking pictures of us talking."

"Let them talk. I'll take care of 'em."


"I promise you that I won't kill anyone."

"Good. Anyway, I gotta blaze. See ya!"

"See ya, Blaze! By the way, I loved that pun!"

"Thanks, Jax."

*Blaze and Jax exchange numbers before Blaze drives back to Wayne Manor.*

*Scene cuts to Wayne Manor where Blaze comes home to her family, who are all pissed off with her for going out alone. Whitney hugs Blaze while crying.*

"Blaze Kathleen Constantine Wayne, you disobeyed the rule of going out alone and your mother cried when she saw the news."

"I'm sorry, Dad. My modeling agency said that I had to go shopping for clothes and I did what they asked me to."

"Blaze, you could've been killed."

"But I wasn't, Mom. Jax saved me."

"Who's Jax, darling?"

"Jax Quinzel."

"God no!"

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