Random questions 01

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When is the next WTGA book coming up?

Pretty much everybody, including me

Yes, A LOT of you have asked me this so I decided to include it in this section. Initially I had scheduled the publishing for July, because I had about 6 months then to finish the first chapter, work on most of the ideas for the book, come up with a cover and other details AND finish BTR#2 that was taking most of my time. However on March 17th the President announced a lockdown that it's still valid to this day, September 21th (Happy spring South Hemisfer). I had recently started on a new adventure, moving away to a new city, and I was excited about what life would bring, so much I never even imagined something like this. That's when all went south.

I struggled a lot financially (still do) and emotionally (yep, still do) with being alone in my house and away from the rest of my family and friends, that it obviously affected my writing. Even when it could have been an escape for me, it was more of a burden for a while. I struggled so hard to come up with good chapters, I'd write them and then delete them all, I wasn't even sure if I should continue but thanks to you beloved writers and readers I found it within me to keep going, even when I was aware it wasn't my best material ever.

And so I kept pushing back the publishing date over and over again until I decided not to settle on a date anymore, because it was more stressful than helpful. So the truth is I have pretty much everything I need to give you one last fantastic book about Jessie and Paul, but I need a bit more time and patience, especially myself. Thank you for hanging there!

How did you start writing on Wattpad?


The very first story I ever published was WTGA and I posted it on youtube. The reason for that was that I was used to use this site to read stories about spankings. There I had some of my favorite ever such as Chilton's Academy and lots of stories from another writer I never saw again unfortunately. Until one day I ran into my current favorite story: Willow's Academy, by @WillowxWriters. I think I remember reading some chapters there, or maybe it was just the prologue but I absolutely fell in love with it, and that's when I got to meet Wattpad. I started reading the story there, then youtube started to give me lots of pains because of copyright about the pictures I used in the videos, about the music, etc. That's when I decided not only to move my current three stories to Wattpad, but to compromise to write them even better than the first time. That's the reason why many things changed in BTR and WTH, but especially in WTGA turning into a much better version:

WTGA 2.0.

Is English your mother language?


I'm from Argentina, and even when I studied english my whole life, I never got a true interest in it until I realized I was interested in spanking and corporal punishment. It was hard then to access material in spanish, so I had to learn english to read my favorite stories. I had already written lots of stories in spanish that are long gone now (or maybe not all of them), among them WTGA when I decided to challenge myself and publish them. I decided to do it in English because somehow I felt way more comfortable talking about this in another language, and especially because I never cared much for the word 'nalgada'. To this day, it just doesn't sound right, silly as it may be. And so I took the opportunity to learn a different language through this particular interest, and it's kind of what I want to do with German, even when I think the audience won't be the same.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I started writing my stories in spanish when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I was always quite good at it, and I'd just write about whatever I could come up with as a corporal punishment situation. I'd usually get my inspiration from pretty much any situation that could lead to a spanking in my fantasy dimension, especially from school for my first formal story, WTGA.

Who are Jessie and Paul based on?

They're not exactly real life characters, but they are based on real people. Believe it or not, Jessie was originally me in my story written in spanish, and Valerie and Jazz were my real life two best friends, at least then. Of course the names were different, but I maintained the initials as a secret reference to my real life. Same with Paul. He was an actual music teacher in my school, and from him I got my characters basic interests and personality. Of course he was nothing like my character Paul. He was annoying more than anything, but I remember feeling something about him every time he got into the room, and I guess the looks helped too. Of course, I think we can all agree that Ian Somerhalder will always be way more smoking hot than any real life teacher.

Is Jill based on a character from the Hawaii 5-0 series?

Many have asked me this, and I wonder who do you think she could be based on from the show. Perhaps Grace, even when she doesn't make many appearances at the beginning of the show. The story itself is based primarily on season 1 and 2 of Hawaii 5-0, but Jill's character is entirely mine. This story was actually cooked in my dreams after seeing a movie that's called 'Into the Blue'. I just had a thing for Paul Walker's character and I wondered what it would be like to be his younger sister living with him in the movie. Of course I couldn't get the inspiration I needed to actually write the story, and when I met Steve McGarrett's character I knew he'd be the protagonist of it. I tried to make it completely different from the show timeline (even changing Cath for another different woman to play Steve's girlfriend) but it just didn't work out, so I decided to stick to the show as much as possible in a way that allowed me at the same time to have some creativity freedom.

Where did Messy Life (WTH) come from?


A little surprise here. Messy Life (WTH) was the very first story that I wrote, in spanish of course. I don't remember exactly from where I got the inspiration for each character. I just remember I wanted to create a different style of family, and being Felipe the main spanker and Sam the main spankee, I didn't want them to be blood related. That's something you can notice in all my stories. There's rarely a straight dad/daughter situation, at least not in the main story. It could be a Freud thing, honestly I can't tell.

I remember I wanted both parents to be very young, but at the same time I initially wanted Anna to be way younger than Felipe. Later on, I decided to skip on this and shorten their age difference. I also wanted Sam to be much older than Melanie and Alexa, but then again it was a detail I had to sacrifice for the story to make sense. Another important thing for me was to create a clear difference between Felipe's model of family that was once married to another woman and Anna's, who was a single mom pretty much abandoned by everybody. At first, Sam and Anna were meant to have zero relationship, as well as with Felipe, but as I worked on the story I realized that didn't make much sense and it didn't leave the message I wanted to give.

Thank you for reading! Most of the questions I got were anonymous and I decided to include as well some question people ask me frecuently and that I thought were interesting. I hope you all like it, even when there isn't actual spanking in here.
Feel free to message me or post in my feed pretty much anything you want to ask about me as a writer and remember you can even direct your question to my characters. I'm sure they'll be happy to respond. Thank you again!

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