Chapter 15

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"Noone owns female pets, so I have to deal with what I have. Plus, Mochi is a good kisser." I made a disgusted face. "I think I'm going to throw up." I say pretending to puke. "Oh baby, please don't." Jungkook said worried. "Don't you worry I'm just faking it." "Good." He said.

"Ok lovebirds let's eat breakfast." Jimin says. We headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. "Jungkook i need help making pancakes again." I lied I just wanted to feel him backhugging me. "Ok carrot I'll help." He said walking behind me and putting his hands on mine. We were in the same position while putting all the ingredients in a bowl. I whined when he pulled away, "what's wrong?" He asked softly. "I miss my baby bunny's hugs." He smiled at the nickname. "I miss you calling me that." He says hugging me tightly.

"Oh. I knew how to make the pancakes I just wanted you to help so you could backhug me." I say smiling at him. He walked closer to me smirking. "Ok, you two. Make us breakfast and stop flirting." Jimin said and i pouted. "Fine." I say finishing up breakfast. "Food is ready." I yelled and they ran into the kitchen. "Finally." Lisa said. "You and Hoseok can make breakfast tomorrow since it's our last sleepover day. Then, me and Jungkook can cuddle on the couch."

I was leaning on Jungkook while watching Hoseok and Jimin yell at each other while they play overwatch. "Baby, why dont you go play. I know you love overwatch." I said. "But, i want to cuddle with you." He said hugging me tighter. "You can play and cuddle me at the same time." He nodded and carried me to another part of the couch where it was easier to see the tv. "Hoseok. Can I play?" He looked at me than Jungkook. "Uh sure. Lovebirds." He said.

Jungkook POV

"You're just jealous." I say grabbing the controller and playing multiple rounds against Jimin. We played for a couple hours until we had to go to school. "Carrot, get ready we have to go to school." I said trying to peel you off me. "No. I want to stay here." You said hugging me tighter. "How about I let you wear my clothes to school?" Your face lit up and you let go of me. "Ok. Lets go to your house. Do you have clothes you wore recently?" You asked looking at me. "I can give you the ones I'm wearing now." I say and you nod.

We got to my house and quickly ran inside. "Turn around unless you want to see me shirtless and in my underwear." I say and you didnt move. "I've already seen you so it's nothing new." I laughed. I took off my clothes and threw them to you. "Stop staring at me and put them on." I say glancing at you. We both got dressed in matching outfits and walked to school. Well, I did while giving you a piggy back ride. We met up with Jimin, Hoseok and Lisa. Lisa and Hoseok walked holding hands and Jimin just walked by himself.

"I'm tired of third wheeling. Why can't I get a girlfriend?" He said kicking rocks in the street. "I can ask Jennie." I offered and his face lit up. "She likes Jin, but Jin hates her. If you show her attention She might fall in love with you." He nodded walking faster. "Carrot we're here." I say putting you down. "I dont want to be here. Can we go back home?" You begged. "No. But, we have every class together remember?" Her face lit up. "Yay!" She yelled jumping around me.

"Ok first gym class. We can cuddle how you did with me the first day of gym." I smirked and you smiled. "I'm happy to except that offer this time." You said pushing me on the floor and sitting on me. "Lovebirds?" The teacher said. "Yes?" You asked turning your head. "Oh Y/N. How is your eye?" "It's good I'm a little tired so can I sleep on my boyfriend?" You asked and I smiled when you said boyfriend. The teacher nodded, "Sure."

"You called me yours." I say whispering into your ear while smirking. "What else am i supposed to call you?" You asked. "Daddy." I said seductively. You blushed and hid your face in the crook of my neck. "I'm sorry." I say rubbing your back. "No. Don't apologize. I like you the way you are." You say placing a long kiss on my lips. "We shouldn't kiss here, the teacher will get mad if I give you a small peck on the cheek." I said. You nodded and pecked my lips and rested your head on my shoulder.


I woke up on the cold hard floor. I looked around and saw Jungkook playing dodgeball with the rest of the class. I whined which got his attention. He made a heart with his hands cutely. I begged him to come to me and eventually he listened. "Hit me." He said and someone hit him and he got out. "Good morning baby, did you sleep well." "I did at first until you placed me on the hard floor." I say pouting. "I'm sorry." He said pecking my lips.

"Let's go get lunch." I say running into the lunch room excited. "Go sit I'll get our lunch." I nodded and sat down at the table I usually sit at. Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin, Namjoon and Jennie looked at me confused. "What are you wearing?" Jennie asked. "Jungkook's clothes." I say. "Are you two dating?" She asked the question that Tae, Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon were going to ask. "Yes we are." I say smiling.

Jungkook walked over a couple minutes later picking me up. He sat down putting me on his lap. "Wow. You two are really lovely dovey." Yoongi said looking at us surprised. "I knew they would date." Taehyung said. "Sure." I said rolling my eyes. Everyone watched as Jungkook would feed me and I would feed him. "I am so jealous of you two." Jimin said. "I feel more single the more I see you two." He said covering his eyes.

"I dont." Jin said. Everyone looked at him. "Are you dating someone Jin?" I asked curious. "Yes." He said. "Hes dating my sister." Jungkook said and I looked at him. "What's your sister's name?" "Jisoo." I nodded But was angry on the inside. She was the first girl I met who was a pain in the ass. "I know you two fought, but she told me to tell you she was sorry." Jungkook said. "Tell her I'm sorry as well, and that I forgive her." He nodded and placed a kiss on my lips.

"You two are so cute." Jin said. Jennie looked down sad. "What's wrong?" Jimin asked placing his hand on Jennie's. I got excited and put my hand on Jungkook's thigh shaking it. "B-baby please don't do that to my thigh." "Why?" I asked confused. "Remember when I moaned the last time you did that." He said and i nodded. "I'm sorry. I'll wait until they're done talking." Jimin ended up confessing to Jennie and Jennie decided to give him a chance.

"Congrats." I say and placed my hand on Jungkook's thigh again. I squeezed it and he whined. "Baby please not here." He begged. I squeezed his thigh harder and he let out a loud moan. Everyone in the lunch room looked at us. "What? Mind your own business." Everyone at our table looked at us disgusted. "What were you two doing?" Jimin asked. "I just squeezed his thigh." I say and Jimin pretended to throw up. "What? I told the truth." Jungkook smirked. "Wanna take this to the bath room?" He asked. Everyone still had their disgusted expression on their faces. "Yes." I say smirking and we got up and went to the bathroom.

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