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Y/N wakes up in her bed completely naked with two other women on her floor sleeping like babies.

"What happened last night?" She scratched her head. A white wet cloth falls down from her forehead. She looks around for her phone to find it behind her back. She checks the time, "Sunday. 12:30..." She lies back down slapping the wet cloth on her forehead.

"12:30!" She jolts up shouting, "No! I'm late for the coffee shop!" She gets up dressing herself up. As she steps on suzy and Ophelia.

"Bitch!" Ophelia screams holding her stomach, "Just chill! I told them you'd be late since you had a 38 degrees fever!"

Abruptly stopping in between of buttoning up her shirt she looks at Ophelia in disbelief, "Oph, me and you BOTH have to go!"

Ophelia is brought back in her senses as she too jolts up and fixes herself with whatever she finds in y/n's room. Suzy just woke up and occupied the bathroom so there was no way y/n and Ophelia could wash up.

Both of them flashed out of the house as Ophelia took out her car keys. They hurriedly got into the car and sped away to their work.

Arriving in front of the shop, the owner of the shop stood there with her arms crossed. "Ophelia! Y/N!" Her voice echoed throughout the whole street.

Even if they were like bestfriends she was still their owner...

After their shift was over, y/n and Ophelia were in the shower rooms taking a shower since they hadn't since yesterday.

"Oph?" Y/N asks.

"Yeah babe?" Ophelia answers slowing down tge shower to hear y/n better.

"What happened yesterday?" She asks.

"Oh some guy-"

"GUY?" Terrified y/n flashes poor Ophelia's eyes with her naked body.

"Baby. I know you love me but lets not take it to that point." Ophelia laughs at y/n's posture.

With a deep sigh y/n asks Ophelia to continue.

"His voice was very manly. It seemed though as if he had made a bod."

"I don't give a fuck about that. What did he do to me?" Y/N checks her vagina for a sign of strech that Ophelia talked about in the library.

"Okay okay. He had you on his back and wasn't gonna let you go so easily. I think he found your chit of your location that I had put in. He dropped you off at the front gate before I fly kicked him in the face and-"

"As long as I didn't loose my virginity." Y/N says with a deep sigh as she continues to wash her hair.


It had been three days since that incident. Y/N had basically forgotten about it. Even ophelia and suzy. Suzy who really doesn't give a shit about anything too had forgotten about it. But did the man?

Y/N was at the coffee shop once again doing her work. The only part time she had today was the coffee shop. Thats it.

"Its going to be...6.5$." She says to her customer handing her the coffee she ordered, "Thank you for coming! Come again." She cheerfully bid farewell to her first nice customer of the day.

"Y/N take a break." Ophelia, says nudging me.

"I need to earn baby~" She teases her.

"I can help you with that." They hear a deep manly voice from the order station. He startled y/n and Ophelia from his sudden appearance.

Y/N face goes red in embarrassment as she drag my feet to the counter. She never expected someone to make a dirty joke. Y/N thought he was just some horny pervert and decided to ignore it.

"What would you like?" She asks him.

"Uhh...A iced coffee with a side of..." He takes a pause. The whole time y/n had oddly not looked at the mans face for some reason. He continues, "Side of you, y/n."

His words make y/n jolt her head up. Ophelia giggles in the corner as she hides her face flustered from the mans words. Y/N gives her a side glare and looks at the man for the first time.

"Fuck he's hot." She thought. He stood there with his curly hair hanging loosely on his forehead covering a bit of his eyes. His black leather jacket completely matches the vibes he's sending. He licks his lips as he watches as y/n very obviously admiring the beauty of the man from top to bottom.

She almost starts  drooling before She's brought back to reality of her boss banging the door furiously after dealing with a stubborn customer.

"H-How do you know my-"

"Its written on your uniform babygirl." He teases y/n.

Ophelia's eyes widen as she slowly finds something familiar in the man's voice.

"S-So one iced tea right?" Y/N asked him.

"You forgot the side of-"

"That would be 4$." She cut him off.

It was visible he was pissed with her cutting him off. Y/N just wanted to get over with this day without any problems.

"An extra 200$ if I get the side." He offers.

With the man's word y/n freezes for a moment. "I'll get extra money if I let this man take my virginity?" She thinks. Y/N shakes her thoughts away and continues writing the mans order.

"Name?" She ignored him once again making him get angry.

"Daddy." He licks his lips.

In daze she turns around thinking about his offer over and over again. "I mean he'd want me to do his chores right? Or like house work? Or...Sex.." Such thought soar her mind.

She made the iced coffee for him still thinking about what She's going to do or say. Without thinking absent minded y/n shouts out, "Daddy!" Making everyone in the shop jolt their towards her as well as her coworkers. They all giggle at y/n as she looks around confused.

Suddenly she realized what she had just shouted in front of the whole shop.

The man comes up to the collection counter smirking and pushing his hair back, "Called for me babygirl?" The man says receiving the iced coffee from y/n's hand.

"What do you say about what I offere-"

He gets cut off by y/n who slides away to the staff rooms in embarrassment as she rolls her eyes to the man.

"Dickhead." She says as she washes her face, "Handsome Dickhead..."

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