alpha king

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We are on the plane and i just got done with all of the planes for my house and i asked nick to call and get them started on it and so i got the people they all ways get to build stuff for the pack to do it so  he gave me their email and number so i call them and sent them the blue prints and ask them how much do they think it would cost and they told me about 3 million and i said that would be fine and if i give them and extra quarter million can they get it done before summer is over and they said they will try their best and i think that is fair it is going to be a mansion. so for the rest of the fight

i was talking to them and telling them that i will come to their office in a week when i get into town but they are going to start on it in a few day on the land that i bought from the pack and dad told them builders what land to work on, then i call my brother i'm just going to start call him Jr i call him to tell him to call me when someone start building he said OK. by the time i was done with that we will

be landing in 15 minutes so i went in to the bathroom to change into my semi girly outfit and i curled my hair and put on a little make up and then i went back and put up my sketch pad and put it back in my bag and got buckled into my seat and after about ten minutes we landed in sunny Cali and i was kinda dreading meeting the kind why would he want to meet me well i guess we will see. we got our luggage and there was a car waiting for us and it was a pretty short ride to the pretty nice size house but smaller than the house i am building

nick said this is the kings private house for the summers that the castle is in England since it summer he wanted us to come and see him her instead and then i ask why would he want us to come here because i am no one special and nice said he didn't know that he wanted to tell me him self with that we were showed to our rooms the room i was staying in pink i hate pink kill me now after that we went to meet the king how he greeted me i never thought i would ever hear out of his mouth.he said,

" Hello my sweet granddaughter" and i replied " Wait are you talking to me?" " yes i am" " so i am your granddaughter and that is possible how?" " well your father is my son and was the prince but didn't want any one to know and that why he became an alpha which mean you are the princess and you will become the next queen and rule the wear wolf world when you turn 18 or 21 it depends on when you are ready" " and i will rule because my father is gone?"

" no dear you were all ways going to rule after me i have keeping tabs on you and protecting you since you were born." " well why not my father when you was ready to step down?" " he didn't have the power when he was born and if i am not mistaking you have started to have powers you can not under stand am i correct?" " yes sir a lot of powers that i have been teaching my self to use since before i changed into a were wolf" " so far i can read some people minds if i try but i learned how to block out other people thoughts out of my head and i can change the color of something just by touch,

i made my hand go invisible i never tried to go totally invisible, i can make any thing i think of appear and i can change my clothes just by thinking about some different out fit and that's all so far is that normal?" " its actually more than normal but that what i would expect from my genius's grandchild but there are i few things i will teach you and i also think you can do more because you are a white wolf and they are very rare and powerful and you are the last on known until you have a child and it a girl will most likely be the white wolf also can i see your wolf" " yes OK but can we go somewhere else i didn't want my mom to see my wolf again it has got so much bigger since the last time she saw it?"

" yes dear lets go to my office and maria my dear nice to finally meet you in person my son always use to talk about you he really loved you both but with the power that Maya have if she were to grow up with were wolfs before she was able to shift and use her power right you guys wouldn't be safe because alot of people would love to have her power so he all ways watch out for you guys and he was going to take you both back with him after we found out she had shifted next year but she shifted at 15 a year early and he was still going to wait until she was 16 to take you guys but things are different now Maya lets go and see you shift and we can work with your powers and see how far along you are."

so after that we went into his office and i change and then changed back and then we talked he said," you wolf is amazing and the same size as my wolf which twice the size as the average wolf size." "well thanks and what do i call you?" " you may call me what you wish" " OK i will call you pop-pop how about that?" " i like that and i will call you snowy or snow OK"

"OK nice and since you already know alot about me i assume you know that i am a lesbian and is not as nice as i seen am i right?" " of course i am and now you can drop the act and be your self around me and when you become queen your acting skills will come into use." " oh thank god so can i change out of these god awful shorts?" " yes my dear snow yes you may." he was trying his hardest not to laugh but he failed really bad and then i focused and used my magic to change back into the clothes that i was in " pop pop i think we will get along just fine i do have a question for you."

" OK asked away" " OK i know that most wear wolfs can tell that i am an alpha by the power that is coming off of me and i will to the fact that i am an alpha and now that i am a princess because i will like to see how things run and how the people act if they don't know i am their new alpha for about a month and i also don't want my mate to know that i am her mate until i get to know her without the whole mate thing." " OK i understand i will show how to hide your power i would like to know why do you go to high school." " at first i wanted the normal kid experience and to meet girls its pretty much the same now." " OK i think i understand" " i have a question when i rule can mt title be king and queen?"

" yes i think it fits and yea i  think we might have a little  problem i since some one in our family will have a child soon." " how is that i problem?" " well its seem that it is your child your best friend nay is pregnant and it is your child but she doesn't know yet but she is sick to day and yes it is already starting to show because of your blood line and power she will only be pregnant for 2 months." i must heard wrong because he said is pregnant with my child " pop pop how is this possible i am a girl tech ally any how."

" yes i dear in 2 months time you be a mother or tech-ally a dad i will call her father and summon him his wife and daughter to come here to talk about this they will be here by morning" i was in shock so i call nay on the phone.

<(phone convo) m- hey nay babe i have a question for you. n- yea was-sup? m- have you been sick to day? n- yea i am how do you know? m- just a pretty good guess what wrong babe? n- i cant stop trowing up m-OK nay i hope you fee better love you n- k i love you to best friend (end of convo)>

after the call was over i got really dissy and then every thing was black.

Pop-Pop (king) Pov

after i got of of the phone with nays dad Nathan he is such a kiss up they will be here in the morning i heard my little snow hit the floor i love this girl all ready and so i hurried up to go get her mother because she is a doctor and her and nick my sons old beta who is also i realize maria's mate

i am happy for them they both were pretty unhappy and we went back to my office and they saw snow on the phone and i told them how i felt that nay was pregnant and how snow called her and asked her was she sick and that nay said that she was and after snow got off of the phone she passed out and i told them that nay parents will be there in the morning with nay and i told them they should be there because they are snows parents i know that snow all ready think of nick as an father i don't mind he is a good man and after maria she that snow will be fine she just needs some sleep and

i picked her up and we carried her to her room and put her in her room i think it will be her room for when she comes to visit so after we got her into bed decide to change the walls to a dark blue color with her name in light blue and white and other clothes on the walls all i had to do was touch the walls and they changed my little snow is going to be a mommy/ daddy this should be an really eventful day to marrow and i know that maria is a doctor but an human doctor so

i am going to call my pack doctor to come over in the morning to check nay out after we had snow settled we went down stairs into the kitchen and talked about whats going on and i explained that when she is romantic with a wear wolf that she has a connection with her her body give of a charge of magic which has her DNA in it but it do sent happen all the time just when she

has a really good time i can teach her how to control it from now on well at lease until she finds her mate and that how nay will have her baby in 2 months before summer is over and maria was scared for her daughter but excited her and nick both i am excited as well to marrow should be very bussy.

The first female alpha king&lt;editing&gt;Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin