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Jasmine Pov ( Maya's mate)

When i first found out that Maya was my mate i was kind of scared for two reasons one i didn't want her to reject me because i herd about her and how she has a lot of girl around her trying to get with her so why would so want someone like me my family is an omega family and get treated bad by everyone reason two is because me being a lesbian would make my family look worse.

i didn't know that i was gay until today when she walked in and she smell like caramel and axe body spay and amazing i might add.

don't get me wrong i am not a dumb person i just never have time to do my school work because we are like slaves to every one in the pack and never had time for our selves they wont like my father or mom get real job so they have to work for the pack and do what they say and we don't keep that much food just enough to keep us alive so we can do there work for them.

when i found out how smart Maya was i was kind of shocked because she doesn't show it or brag about it she is really nice not how i thought she would be from how people talk like she is a real player which she might be but i kind of thought she would think she is better than ever one else but she doesn't.

i don't know why i just felt really safe with her to tell about my life and when she kissed me i felt sparks and it was my first kiss and when she took me home and hugged and kissed me again it was amazing. it was really sweet of her to give me enough food for my family even though she doesn't know them.

the phone she gave me and built was really cool it was like a clear see through i phone and really thin but it wasn't like glass but plastic she told me it was like that because it doesn't break and it is every to had for many reasons it was really cool and nice this phone must cost allot and she trust me with it.

after i went to the pack house and cook for every one with the help of my parents and siblings after we were finished we don't get to eat only if there is any thing left so after we went up to our little apartment which is the addict which has 3 small bedrooms.

i told my family about my mate and that she was a girl and told then how smart is is and that she is a chef and all the other thing she does and i gave them the stakes she cooked for them and they were really happy and thankful and i showed them the phone that she made and gave to me and then they finally started to talk after we stuffed our faces the food was amazing

i told them that she helped me with my work and how she is willing not to tell people that we are mates so the pack wont hurt me until we figure out what to do then, my mom asked " Jasmine what's your mate name?" " her name is Maya and she is 16 and is in the 11th grade but she doesn't need to school she wants to go."

then my twin brother James Jr named after my dad said " as in Maya the new girl no way!!" my dad said " why what wrong?" my brother said " nothing is wrong that is the thing she is perfect and very popular and very hot everyone knows that she is a lesbian because all the girl talk about wanting to be with her because of this girl Tara is dating her and all the girls in every grade want her

even every boy still try to get with her even though we all know we can't and she shoots everyone of the boys down but they still try like lost puppies and the girl cling to her like a magnet so how did you get her? why not me?!!"

and my dad hit him upside his head and Jessie and Taylor my little brother and still was laughing really hard at that and by the way Jessie is the boy and Taylor is the girl.

" yea she is really perfect but she doesn't let it go to her head and no one at school know the half of it all the things she went to collage for and she is a doctor and so is her mom her mom owns the new doctor office in town and Maya works there when she has time."

The first female alpha king<editing>Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin