Chapter 3

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Olivia pops into the passenger seat and I'm by her gardenia scent, that girl loves that perfume and I swear she must spray herself with it for 5 minutes straight to smell that good. She says hi to Zoe and kisses me on the cheek. Then she starts talking about all the things she already has to do and the school year hasn't even started yet. I don't know why she does it, why she puts herself under so much pressure, but I guess it makes her happy somehow and, as long as she's happy I'm happy. Today she's wearing a plaid skirt, a cute tank top, short ankle strap block heels and her signature ponytail. I see her and then think about my outfit, a big Star Wars shirt, black sweatpants, a pair of red Converse shoes, and the open grey sweater my mom bought me. We seem opposites on the surface but we still work and I guess I couldn't ask for more.

We get to school quite quickly, we are lucky to live near-by from each other and even luckier to live close to school. Zoe gets out of the car the second the car stops without even saying goodbye. Olivia and I get out while talking about the next event she's planning, which is the homecoming dance, one I already dread going but will go anyways because as long as my friends are there I know I'll have an amazing time.

As soon as we step inside I can already see Sasha, Mia and Briz talking in the corner. Sasha is in a beautiful flowered dress that covers just the right places and at the same time shows her figure, she has her brown her down and is the image of perfection. You can see she took a long time preparing so I quickly yell "Hot momma!" from across the hall, getting a bunch of weird looks but no caring. No sooner has she heard me than she's running towards me, we embrace halfway and I can hear Briz scoff and Mia giggle. I let go of Sasha but keep my arm around her waist, we have always been a touchy group, we are always on top of each other and none of us cares about it. I look towards Briz with her black jean shorts, net stockings, black shirt that matches her hair and combat boots, and Mia with her blue jean shorts, a yellow tank top that goes perfectly with her dazzling dark skin tone and her typical light-blue bandana on her curly black hair.

Sometimes I'm amazed at how much of our personalities come through when looking at our clothes. I wouldn't say that everyone fits the stereotype perfectly, we all have more depth to us than the clothes we wear, but I can't help but notice how every one of us has a signature look and how that look is shaped by our identity.

I'm thinking about this when Ian and Jaz appear, they are clearly deep in conversation, probably about Naruto. Ian has this tall, lanky, unmissable frame, covered with black jeans and a shirt that says "To whatever end", a quote from one of me and Ian's favourite book series called Throne of Glass, that I gifted him for his birthday. While Jaz is the complete opposite, she's rather short, curvy and absolutely gorgeous with her burgundy short hair that she dyed herself. She dresses similar to me and that is one of the many things that we have in common. They walk towards us and I immediately jump on top of Ian, he grabs me and hugs me as if we haven't seen each other in ages.

"Always stuck to one another you two, I dare you not to hug each other for a day," Briz says and both Ian and I give her incredulous looks and start laughing.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ian says in his husky voice. At the same time, I say "Don't come asking for a hug later." Briz scowls and in fear of her getting upset I walk toward her tiny self and hug her too. I'm quite tall and cover Briz figure almost completely. Ian, Olivia and I are the tallest ones in the group, while Mia, Briz, and Jaz are the shortest and Sasha is a middle ground between us all, both physically and emotionally.

Briz hugs me back, smiling, and she quickly relaxes. I've been told my hugs are magical and, not to toot my own horn, I have seen their effects on people and I'm proud to call myself a professional hugger. I mean, it's always a good back-up plan if the dancing fails. I don't know how it happens but suddenly we're all hugging and we become a mass of seven individuals with very strong and different personalities and I swear I can feel the magic of the moment. Those times when you feel perfectly at ease with yourself and know that no matter what happens you'll always have these people with you. Moments like this make me regret even considering leaving them, but I still reassure myself that leaving is the right decision and that I still have all year to enjoy and treasure moments like this.

We break apart as soon as the bell rings and start talking on top of each other about the classes that we have this year and our schedules. Ian and I are together in English 4 because we are both skilled at reading and writing, then I have Chemistry 4 with Jaz who is a mad genius in science, Mia, Briz, Olivia and I are together in History and then I have Art 4 with Sasha. I'm so happy that I have at least a class with each of them, but the sad news is that we don't share the same lunch period. I have the same period as Ian, Olivia and Jaz, but Sasha, Briz and Mia are in the one after us. We are talking about this year classes and teachers and extracurriculars while we slowly start separating and going different ways. In the end, it's just me and Ian walking towards the English room.

"Sooo what has happened in the last 24 hours I haven't seen you?" he asks sarcastically. Because we don't go more than a few hours without texting or seeing each other. I bump into him and answer.

"Not much, I had a session with Claire the other day and she recommended I start writing down what goes on in my head. You know? Like a diary. And I must admit I'm genuinely surprised by how much I'm enjoying it."

"Wow, that's amazing! And it sounds like something you would do willingly so I guess it must not be so bad." he says, smiling. I'm sometimes dumbfounded by how cute he is, he's my type and I would defenitely find him attractive if it weren't for the fact that he's like my brother and I would never dare ruin our relationship over hormone. He's tall, with long, curly, brown hair, brown rich eyes and an easy smile. Whoever ends up with him will be a lucky girl, or boy, or whatever that person identifies as.

"I know right! It has totally cheered me up, I guess we'll have to wait to see if it works" I grab him by the arm to hurry him because I don't want to be late to our very first class and ask; "What about you? Anything I should know regarding a very cute boy I saw you with at the park yesterday while I was driving to Claire's?"

He looks at my surprised, blushes and quickly looks away and I swear to God I have never seen this buy as flustered as he is right now so I can't help but stop, grab his head with both my hands and force him to look at me. "What aren't you telling me???" I say, in a rather pressing manner.

"Nothing." He answers, way too quickly for me to believe him. I smack his arm and look at him hard in the eyes.

"Ian Samuel Winston! Tell me right now or I will abandon you right here in the middle of the hallway." I yell. This catches a girl's attention who immediately looks up from a book she's reading and makes eye contact with me. If I weren't too busy being mad at Ian I probably would have paid more attention to her but right now I have more important business to attend to.

He keeps eye contact with me for about 5 seconds before I finally break him and he whispers, "It's nothing, really, just someone I met at work during the summer. You know that cute boy that walks dogs for my mom's shop? Well, I worked at the register all summer and he was just kind of there. I never told you guys anything because I thought he was straight but yesterday I guess I panicked and feared that I would never see him again and I asked him if he wanted to take a walk and..."

"Winston! Diaz! Is there something you're waiting for?" Mrs Holmes yells from down the hall and I'm quickly transported back to reality, noticing that everyone has already gotten to class and Ian and I are the only ones left, standing there in the middle of the hallway with me grabbing his face. This would look suspicious if it weren't for the fact that everyone is used to me and Ian being chummy with each other. I mentally swear becuade Ian never got to finish his story before we were interrupted. I give him a meaningful glance that says "this is not over" before I start walking towards Mrs Holmes' class with Ian trailing behind me.

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