Emergency Contact

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I've decided to try getting used to calling the Prof, Alfendi at regular basis because really, Prof is the only name Lucy calls him. Everyone else calls him by his name. So...lets try that!

I was going to make this one of those 5+1 things but I'm just lazy to think of more situations that Lucy can screw herself over on.


The first time it happens is when he's at home, in his flat, making himself a cuppa. His mobile rings, it's shrill tone annoying to the ears and Al makes a mental note to alter it, but forces Fendi to be at the forefront when he answers.

"Inspector Alfendi Layton."

"Ah, hello, Inspector. I'm Rory, from St. Bart's Hospital. I'm calling in regards to Lucy Baker--" Alfendi's eyes widen to the size of polo balls, much to his surprise as the man on the other end continues. Al is ready to bark orders at the man--perhaps to tell him to get on with his words--while Fendi listens intently. "--she's in A&E at the moment, mild contusions, road rash, and a slight concussion. Car accident, I'm afraid."

"I'm on my way." He dashes out of the flat, hastily locking the door and completely forgetting the cuppa that he so desperately wanted a minute ago.

It doesn't quite hit him that Lucy even sets him as an emergency contact until he's already in the cab, Al barking an order to the cabbie, who merely nods and steps on it without another word uttered between the two gentlemen. Alfendi knows better than to panic, such thinking leads to rash decisions. But why was he considered Lucy's emergency contact? He was sure that the young Detective Constable had family, people that he was sure held more value than he did. Perhaps for the sake of convenience?

The ride to Bart's is swift, much to his satisfaction. He tosses the cabbie a few notes and dashes inside, remembering all too well the last time he had ever stepped foot in a hospital four years ago, leaving with more than just a scar. But that didn't matter at the moment--Lucy did. For a pesky assistant--Al's words, not Fendi's--she was quite indispensable to him, even if they didn't want to quite admit it.

"Lucy Baker." Fendi says, letting himself catch a breath. The man at the counter, with a badge that showed that his name was Rory, raises an eyebrow.

"Alrighty that was fast. New record, I'd say, Mr. Layton. She's behind that curtain over there." The man, whose voice was easily recognizable from the mobile, motions at one of the drawn curtains. Al would ask about the additional insinuating tone beneath Rory's words, but he lets it pass. For now. Fendi nods, striding over and stepping over the curtain.

Lucy seems surprised that he even was there, blinking her eyes before acknowledging that he was in fact present and her eyes were not actually playing with her. "Ee, Prof... What are you doing here?"

"They called." He said dryly, "Baker, what the hell are you doing in A&E?" Al glares at her, examining her injuries. As Rory had mentioned, bruises were here and there and some road rash. She smiles weakly at him, sheepish.

"May or may not 'ave pushed someone outta the way of a car." Alfendi shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. Lucy continues on, "Prof, it was a child. I saw what happened and I did what any good person woulda done." Of course. Lucy would push a child out of a way if it meant saving them. Her heart astounded him.

"Yes, but..." Al groans, already frustrated with the amount of incompetence his assistant was displaying. Lucy smiles despite her condition. To irritate him, perhaps, he's not quite sure. "Never mind, Baker. I'll see to it that you're brought home and not jumping in front of any more cars. Concussion, right? I won't let you fall asleep."

"Aye, Prof." She raises her arm and does a salute to him, much to his annoyance. Rather than entertaining her, Alfendi returns back to the desk, furrowing his brow. Rory looks up to him expectantly from his paperwork.

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