Today, We Come Alive [Smut]

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Hello, welcome to my first (in all technicality, third) smut of these two. This is the first I'm publishing, but the third I've written. It's just short smut, at the very end since I wasn't really thinking while writing it. I hope you guys enjoy nonetheless. I also mentioned Charlie since she's genuinely my favorite author- but I'm not sure Lucy would like her too...maybe.

Lucy closed her book, yawning loudly as she realized it was nearing 11 pm. She normally didn't stay up so late, yet the newest novel by Charlie N. Holmnberg just had her hooked. She was just about to turn in, deciding to just sleep on the sofa due to laziness, when a loud knock jolted her from her nearing slumber. She raised an eyebrow, wondering who on earth would have come so late. Standing, she made her way to the door and opened it, only to find a much tired Prof behind the door. His eyes lit up at the sight of Lucy, as though he hadn't seen her in ages.

"Prof? What are you doing here?" She paused for a moment, then raised an eyebrow, "How do you know my address?" Lucy asked as the Prof stumbled in without segue.

"I'm a Detective Inspector, of course I know...hullo Lucy.." He thought of what to say, "I had a few vodkas. Nothing earth shattering."

"So, you're a lightweight..." Lucy muttered, watching as the Prof stumbled. Placid seemed to remain in control. She wondered if Potty just didn't hold control when it came to being drunk. As she made such a claim, the color of his hair changed to a crimson.

"I am not a lightweight!" He proclaimed, growling. She decided arguing against the drunk 29-year-old wouldn't help her current situation.

"Prof," she decided to just use a single name in order to prevent confusion, "It's the middle of the night. Why were you out drinking?"

"Couldn't sleep, ended up getting challenged to a vodka contest. It's nothing too major, they didn't estimate I could hold my liquor due to my clothes." Placid had returned, then looked down at her outfit. "Why are you wearing such skimpy clothing?" She looked down herself to find shorts and a pink tank top; at least she had worn clothes...she couldn't imagine this situation if she hadn't.

"Shorts and a tank top are considered regular clothing." She responded, frowning. She noticed the slightest slip of her clothes and quickly covered up. The Prof was clearly staring at her chest, even if he didn't admit it. He straightened up, running a hand through his hair to cover himself.

"Don't know why you bothered," Placid added, as though Lucy had said nothing. "I wouldn't mind seeing you so unbound. You always wear that green coat of yours. I've never seen you without it. You don't need it anyway..." Her eyebrows raised high to the ceiling. She just have misheard him. No flirting for the Prof, besides the regular banter. They just didn't work that way, the Prof and Lucy...never. She was more of his support, rather than anything else.

"Okay, Prof, you're really knackered now." Lucy said, "Just sleep on my sofa, alright? We can talk about this tomorrow."

"Of course I am! Could you imagine how I almost crashed into a tree, twice? It was no easy feat to get here." He shrugged, "I haphazardly parked it to the side."

"You drove here?!" Lucy almost shrieked at that point, rushing over to him to make sure he didn't injure himself at all.

"Borrowed a car, not the point." He dismissed such a thing as he looked around her flat. It was his first time, after all. She felt as though she should have cleaned, with the bits of mess around. She supposed the Mystery Room was really rubbing off on him.

"You borrowed a car? From who?" She questioned, eyebrows raising.

"Scotland Yard issued car. No big deal." He shrugged again, his eyes darkening as Lucy continued her inspection. She peered up at him, seeing a hint of something she had always denied when coming in terms with the Prof: lust and love.

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