✅ Chapter 51. October 23, 2014 Jimmy Kimmel

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October 23, 2014

Los Angeles, California

Jimmy Kimmel

(Elizabeth's perspective)

I jump walking myself up. I look over at the clock 6:30. I woke up three times late night. I keep on having the same dream over and over. I have been dreaming it since it happened. I get up and take a shower to relax my body.

I get dressed and walked down the stairs. "Good morning." Taylor said.

"Good morning." I said.

"I am making scrabbled eggs and toast for breakfast do you want some?" Taylor asks.

"Yes, it smells delicious." I said as I watch Taylor flip an egg on the pan.

Meredith and Olivia start meowing, "Okay Okay I will feed you two now don't worry." Taylor said getting the cat food from the cabinet and poured the cat food into there cat bowls. Taylor placed the cat bowls on the floor and they start eating.

Taylor turn back to the stove and grab the spatula and place the scrambled eggs on to our plates. The toaster went off and I placed our toast on our plates. I get a cup and open up the fridge, I got the gallon of milk and pored me a glass. I put the gallon of milk back into the fridge and I took a sip of my milk.

"How did you sleep last night?" Taylor asked.

"Good." I said lying trying to forget about the nightmare I had.

"Good." Taylor said handing my late to me and I sit down at the table.

"Oh Scott called me last night and said we have to go to another interview tonight to promote the album." I said before taking a bite of toast.

"Where?" I ask

"Jimmy Kimmel. He is an talk show host." Taylor said.

"Cool." I said taking a drink of my milk.

"We will leave around 6:30 or so." Taylor said.

"Okay." I said.

*a few hours later*

A car horn honks outside, "Dave is here!" Taylor yells from downstairs.

"Okay!" I yell from my room as I grab my jacket. I run down stairs and I see Taylor standing by the door,

"Ready?" Taylor asks.

"Ready." I said and we walked out the door and got in the car.

We pull up to Jimmy Kimmel's studio and get out of the car. We walk in the studio and a women is standing by the door, "Hi Taylor and Elizabith my name is Bella and I'll show you to your dressing room. Right this way." Bella said and started walking to our room.

We walked down a haul way and turned left, "Here is your room call me if you need anything." Bella said.

"Thank you." Taylor said as we walked into our room and Bella walked away. I walked over to a table were a bowl of fruit was put out. I grab an orange and peal it.

The show started as we watched Jimmy walk out on stage going his intro. "Thank you thank you all so much for coming." Jimmy said to the audience as they erupted in cheers.

"We have Taylor Swift and her daughter Elizabith here tonight." Jimmy said and the audience clapped and cheered. "Also Emma Stone is here." Jimmy said and the audience cheered.

We hear a knock on our door and it opens, Bella opens the door, "You guys are on in five minutes." Bella said. We get up and walk over to the door way. I throw away the orange peals in the trash can. We followed Bella out the door to the stage.

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