Flip's feeling

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oops i got tipsy and decided to post early... I'm really proud of this chapter, and i'm hoping you guys will love it as much as i do!! 


Flip was mentally making a list in his mind about the things he liked about you.

He couldn't help it. His desk and paperwork were always messy, sure. What people didn't know about him was that he had it all in his head.

He watched as you sipped on your Jack Rose cocktail that he ordered for you. You licked your lips, savoring the taste. You were going on about your week working in the trauma hall. Your face lit up without sparing him the gory details.

That was one thing on his list. You were passionate about what you did. He saw you first hand while you were in your battle field. Sure it was to stitch him up, but he could tell in that moment how important your work was to you.

Another thing was when you taught him. Flip could normally keep up with your medical talk. Most of the time he could use context clues to figure out the jist of it all, but he pretended he didn't know that way you could explain it to him. He loved watching your eyes light up while you explained stuff to him.

Flip sat back and watched as you laughed at some dumb joke he told.

That's another thing. Your laugh. You were always so genuine with it. He noticed that you always leaned in closer to him when the corners of your mouth went ear to ear.

His fingers were playing with the ends of your hair as you were talking about how Jen was excited to go with Ron. He nodded his head, but the only thing he could focus on was your hand. Your delicate touch was resting on his thigh. You would lightly squeeze it every once in a while, looking up at him. Almost like you were making sure he was paying attention to you.

What you didn't know was, he was always paying attention to you.

Flip wrapped his arm around your waist when you gave another light squeeze to his thigh. He bit his lip as he yanked you towards him, causing you to come in contact with his chest. Your hands landed on his torso, as a little yelp came out of your mouth. This caused him to smile down at you.

There's another thing on his list. You were always so shy when he looked at you long enough. He watched as you looked down at your fidgeting hands.

A few moments went by before he heard you speak again.

"I'm sorry..." a whisper out of your mouth. This caused his face to twist in confusion.

"For what?" He questioned. He waited for your answer even though he was already willing to forgive you.

"For the past week... When I went awol." You still weren't looking at him. Flip raised your chin with his finger. He looked into your eyes, getting lost in them.

He thought back to last week. The messages and calls you missed probably didn't seem desperate to you, but they were to him. He thought back to him pacing in circles around his desk at work. Waiting for his phone to ring. Waiting to hear back that you were there.

That you were safe.

That you were alive.

He didn't want to admit that you were all that he thought about, and that it killed him not to see you.

He could hear Ron sighing from his own desk. Ron was trying to finish the last of his paperwork before leaving town.

"Come on man, you're making me dizzy." Ron set his pen down. "If you're that worried, just go see her!"

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