Deal? Deal.

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How about a little fluff AND smut for Adam's birthday?? Y'all got a problem with that?

didn't think so ;) 


You were never going to finish unpacking. Not with Flip around. You were lucky you even moved all the boxes into his place on time. The only reason that happened was that you had to return the moving truck in time. After that, it was an uphill battle with him. Every time you focused on unloading your boxes, you would always find his hands over your hips, pulling you towards him.

In his loving words, he wanted to "break in every room in the house."

You were currently hiding in your new bedroom, trying to hang your scrubs. You bit down on your lip trying to stop the smile forming on your lips. You knew Flip was on a work call while you snuck upstairs. You had to find little moments like these to get some work done. You only managed to unpack your things into the kitchen when he said he had an errand to run. You were shocked to find that your things practically filled his entire kitchen. You didn't know how he survived on his own.

You thought back to a couple of days ago, your first official day in. Flip gave you a tour of the entire house as if you didn't spend so many nights there. He was excited to show you the bedroom, showing that he cleared most of the room in his closet for your clothes. You couldn't hold back the laugh that slipped your lips when you noticed a different variety of flannels hanging up. His flannels were your choice of pj's now.

You were wearing nothing but one of his many flannels as you worked.

You were one box down when you heard his footsteps coming up the stairs. You licked your lips when you felt his hands grab at your hips again.

"Everything okay at work?" you questioned. You could feel your heart racing when his lips were against your ear.

"They want me to come in." His hot breath sent shivers down your spine as you tried to focus on your task. You struggled with the hanger as you shut your eyes at his words.

"Again?" You whispered as you finally managed to open your eyes to slip the hanger into another shirt.

The station has been trying to call him for the last couple of days. Since the fiasco at your old place, Flip hasn't left your side. You told him to go back to work and that you could manage to unload your things without him, but he continuously refused.


You could feel the warmth between your legs start already. It's only been a few days of living with him and he couldn't keep his hands off of you. You were quick to hang up the shirt, picking another up from the box.

"Baby, I'm never going to finish unpacking." you giggled as his hands turned your hips, causing you to turn towards him.

"We have all the time in the world, baby." You chewed on the inside of your cheek as his hand grabbed the item of clothing from your hands. You watched as he was quick to throw it back in the box, pulling you closer against his chest. The corners of your mouth turned into a smile as he leaned his head in. His plump lips were placed on yours as his hands were gripping on your waist once again.

You couldn't help the moan that slipped your mouth as he walked you back towards the bed. You lost your balance, falling backward as the back of your legs hit the mattress. Flip was quick to fall on top of you, placing his hands on either side of your head. You were quick to let another moan slip your lips as he pressed his hips into yours, showing how much he needed you.

Your hands found themselves tangling in his hair as his tongue grazed your lips. Your ears filled with his grunts as he pressed his hips harder, grinding against you. You took a couple of deep sighs, trying to catch your breath when Flip broke the kiss. He leaned his head, planting sloppy wet kisses on your neck.

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