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hi! :) i'm not sure how you are supposed to start these things so idk...

this is the first chapter of my fanfiction :) this is my first one so please give me some feedback on my writing and this chapter. 

i'll only update if people want me to :P

please enjoy! ( btw, the lovely suzanne collins owns all rights to the characters and original plot)


2 months since I lost my sister. 2 months without my ‘best friend’. 2 months I have been separated from the one I love. Yet I haven’t cried once. Why? I’m trying so hard be emotionless and to stay strong for her. I know Prim would have wanted it this way. Even her name drags my thoughts down. I try to perform an exercise Dr Aurelius taught me and one I did when I was in District 13. Remind myself who I am and what good I have in my life (to help me not think about the negative).

My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am 17 years old. My home is District 12. District 12 was firebombed. It is being rebuilt now. I survived the Hunger Games, twice. Beetee Latier, Finnick Odair and I were saved. Peeta Mellark and Johanna Mason were captured by the Capitol. They were rescued. We found out that they were tortured. That was the old Capitol, led by President Snow. Snow is dead. So is Coin. I shot Coin with my arrow. It was meant for Snow. Snow killed my sister. Snow deserved to die. Snow tortured Peeta. Peeta loved me. He is a changed boy. I thought he was dead. I should be dead. I deserve to die. Finnick, Boggs and others died because of me. I should have eaten those berries. My sister died because of me. Peeta is right- I am a mutt.

My train of thought is interrupted by a knock at the door. I drag myself up from my curled position on the floor and cross to the door of my Victor’s Village home. I swing the door open and Haymitch’s surprisingly sober face greets me. “How are ya sweetheart?” he drawls, smirking wildly.

“Alright, I suppose. Do you want to come in?” I ask, attempting to be welcoming. My house is cold and depressing so some company can’t hurt, I guess.

“Suuure sweetheart.” Haymitch slurs. I am not so sure that he is sober, in fact. He strides into the house and makes his way to the kitchen. The design of the Victor’s houses must be the same because he knows exactly where to go.

I follow Haymitch into the kitchen and find him opening my cupboards. “Looking for something?” I laugh. He nods so I continue, “Top cupboard on the left.” Haymitch opens it and selects a thin bottle filled with some brownish coloured liquid.

”Nice selection, sweetheart.” He says and unscrews the lid. Haymitch takes a large swig of it and then sets the bottle on the tabletop.

“Why are you here?” I ask. Whoops, that was a bit rude. Haymitch gives me a your-lucky-Effie’s-not-here look. “Sorry, what do I have to owe the pleasure of your company?” I say in my best Capitol accent.

“That’s more like it sweetheart,” Haymitch smirks, “respect your elders.”

I roll my eyes and walk into the living area. Haymitch follows. Sitting down, Haymitch clasps his hands together and sits upright. This is new… I wonder if Effie has been teaching him manners.

“Katniss, I came over here not just for your sunny personality- there’s something you need to know.” Haymitch says with no humour in his face. I start panicking- if Haymitch uses my real name then something is wrong. Horribly wrong.

“Wh-What is it? What’s wrong? Is Effie okay- are you okay?” I stutter and continue to panic.

Haymitch inhales a deep breath then says something that ignites a deep fear and longing. “Peeta’s coming back. He’s been released. He will be here in a week.”

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