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Genesis's POV
Dev is a really great girl and is so fun to be around. I want to introduce her to my best friends that I love so much (shoutout to ashtonirwinscupcake , anxdrea , jolexa622 , NovasDream , and SuperSofiee13 ) and I know that dev will like them because they are as weird and quirky as me. We went to the boys' studio for them to practice and then we went to Pizza Hut to eat pizza (of course). The boys and I ordered a large supreme pizza while dev ordered a small pizza with pepperoni, spinach, and banana peppers. She ate the pizza so fast and didn't want to share with the others.
She is so funny and cool at the same time. If she was in a pizza eating contest she would so win but she would still look skinny. I hope she gets enrolled at my high school and by "my" I mean that my father owns it. The high school is an all girls school. I hope her father allows her to go to the most prestigious high school there is in Sydney, Australia.
Even if my father owns the school I'm really not that popular but the real slut is ashleigh because she tries to stuff her hand down every guy she met's pants and I mean every guy. She even tried to stuff her hand down luke's pants just to annoy me and make me into a giant attention hog. If I could I would slap her so hard that her fake tan and makeup would come off.

Luke's POV
Dev and gene are becoming friends and that's good enough for me. I've met gene's friends and I have to say that her friends are so much like mine but more girlier. I'm pretty sure that Dev will like them because of their quirky attitudes and funny jokes. I can over hear the conversation between michael and calum. I believe they are talking about dev and I so I listen to more of the conversation.
"I really like dev but what if I develop feelings for her in the end?" Michael says

Calum said "luke would get mad but it would be worse if you and dev were dating secretly behind his back though."

I didn't want to hear anymore of the conversation so I just left the room and went to find dev. If they already started dating then I swear I will hurt michael gordon clifford. I know that dev wouldn't tell me the truth yet since she barely knows the real me so I will ask mikey after I ask devonne.
I knock on dev' bedroom door and hear a come in.

"Is everything alright?" Dev asks

"Yeah everything is alright but I need to ask you a question." I say right after

"What is it and if it's about genesis I love her." She replies

"Well it's about you and mikey. I hear that he likes you." I say

"Umm I don't know what to say about that but I'm totally cool with him."

"Do you like Michael?" I ask quietly

She doesn't respond to the question so I stopped talking about it. I said bye and ran out of her room. I decided to call calum about this situation and make him confess but it would be harder since i ship malum...

What is your favorite ship?
Mine is cake or muke

so umm how are you guys liking the story so far? I hope it's better than my other fanfic. Well I'm almost to 500 reads and I'm so proud. Thank you for reading and please recommend, read, and vote. maybe even ask me questions...


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